Frequently asked questions

Have a Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) problem or question? Take a look at the below frequently asked questions. 

Not finding the information you're looking for? Reach out through the support portal.

Form navigation

Why do I not see an "Edit" button?

Only individuals with proposer-level access have permission to edit a proposal, at certain times.

Proposers can edit their own drafts at any time, until it has been submitted for approval. At this point, the state is Under Review, and proposers lose access to edit their submission. If an edit needs to be made, the proposer should either contact the approver to have the edit made, or withdraw the proposal to have the editing capabilities returned. The recommended action will depend where the proposal is in the approval pathway.

Approvers can edit an Under Review proposal if it is at their approval step. Once approved to go on to the next step in the approval pathway, the approver loses access to edit the proposal.

An employee who has been granted permission to edit, by a proposer or approver, will not see an Edit button unless they too are a proposer and received the proposer training.

How do I save my proposal if the Save and Exit and Save functionalities are disabled/greyed out?

By default, a proposer drafting a proposal must select one of the save options (Save and Exit | Save) to save their work. When the proposer tries to Submit For Approval but encounters a validation error (e.g., a required field was left blank), the proposer needs to go back to the draft to edit the proposal. The save options (Save and Exit | Save) will be disabled/greyed out. The save options will become enabled again once all required fields are completed. Users cannot partially complete the required fields after receiving the validation error message.

A course is changing a subject and/or number - why am I seeing the course code already changed in requisites/plan requirements?

Records in Kuali Curriculum Management are linked and this linkage is viewable as "dependencies". This means that content is automatically updated in other areas of the academic calendar where it appears.

If a subject and/or number of a course is changing (e.g., DRAMA 101 to THPERF 101, or BIOL 130 to BIOL 230), the subject and/or number will update everywhere immediately, but this is temporary. This change will not be visible in a published academic calendar until the proposal receives final approval. But, the final approval is the Office of the Registrar (RO) or Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), depending on the career of the course. At this final step, the RO or GSPA will perform some post-approval work to the dependent courses and programs/plans to ensure the change is only displayed as a future change in the yet-to-be published academic calendar. Including, in some cases, requisites or requirement lists may need to be reordered to keep the alpha-numeric order.

So, rest assured, this is a temporary visualization and all will be resolved upon final approval.

A course is changing a title - why am I seeing the title already changed in requisites/plan requirements?

Records in Kuali Curriculum Management are linked and this linkage is viewable as "dependencies". This means that content is automatically updated in other areas of the academic calendar where it appears.

If a title of a course is changing, the title will update everywhere immediately, but this is temporary. This change will not be visible in a published academic calendar until the proposal receives final approval. But, the final approval is the Office of the Registrar (RO) or Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), depending on the career of the course. At this final step, the RO or GSPA will perform some post-approval work to the dependent courses and programs/plans to ensure the change is only displayed as a future change in the yet-to-be published academic calendar.

So, rest assured, this is a temporary visualization and all will be resolved upon final approval.

Error messages

"Error! [Proposal] is not valid"

This error appears when a proposer is submitting a saved proposal for approval, but a required field was left blank or doesn't meet the validation criteria. Also indicated in the red error box is the name of the field(s) that contains a validation error.

Screenshot of the error message "Error! [Proposal] is not valid."

To fix this error, the proposer needs to Edit the proposal and update the fields that have been flagged with a red box (under the applicable field) and "Validation Error: X", where X is the explanation of the issue. All errors must be corrected at the same time in order for the saving options to become actionable.

"A proposal for this item has already been submitted to workflow"

This error message, in a large orange-yellow box, appears after a draft proposal has been saved but a previous proposal for the same record has already been submitted to the workflow and still has an Under Review state.

Screenshot of the error message "A proposal for this item has already been submitted to workflow."

The newest draft proposal should be deleted and a user needs to wait until the previous proposal is fully approved before a new proposal can be submitted. For undergraduate proposals, determine where the original proposal is in the governance pathway and reach out to faculty undergraduate office to determine the options available (e.g., wait, withdraw original, have an approver send back to combine proposals).

"Error! Only one proposal can be in workflow at a time"

This error message appears, in a red box, after a draft proposal has been saved but a previous proposal for the same record has already been submitted to the workflow and still has an Under Review state. It occurs if two draft proposals existed at the same time and the other was submitted prior to the current draft.

The newest draft proposal should be deleted and a user needs to wait until the previous proposal is fully approved before a new proposal can be submitted. For undergraduate proposals, determine where the original proposal is in the governance pathway and reach out to faculty undergraduate office to determine the options available (e..g, wait, withdraw original, have an approver send back to combine proposals).

"Loading, please wait"

Each database in Kuali Curriculum Management displays information almost immediately. If a proposal in Draft or Under Review, or an approved record, displays the "Loading, please wait." error message with loading "..." images for more than a second or two, it is possible the data is corrupted in some way. Reach out via the support portal, with specifics about what you were trying to do.

Screenshot of the error message "Loading, please wait."

"Sorry. You don't have permission to access this page"

A user sees this error message when they are attempting to access an area of the system they do not have permission to access.

Screenshot of the error message "Sorry. You don't have permission to access this page."


  1. A proposer does not get access to the Agendas functionality and would see this error message if they were to select Agendas from the left navigation menu. Users should select the HOME button to return to their dashboard.
  2. An approver receives an email notification to approve a proposal, but the proposal has since been withdrawn and exists only in Draft state (which is only viewable by the proposer) or was deleted completely.

"Your proposal is out of date"

This error appears in a red box with the following message: "You must merge this proposal. Compare the changes below and make sure they are the ones you want." It occurs when two draft proposals of the same record were created, and one was submitted for approval and finalized. Essentially it means if this proposal were to be submitted, it would have older data than what has been approved since the draft was created.

The draft proposal should be deleted.

Screenshot of the error message "Your proposal is out of date"


How can I find out where a proposal is in the governance approval process?

For any proposal that has an Under Review state, the Workflow Status field at the top of the proposal is visible and displays the current approval step in orange text: name of the step, including any faculty affiliation if applicable, and the name of the approver(s).

Select expand to see the full pre-determined workflow for the proposal, including where it has been approved already (green text).

Steps that are in grey/black text indicate subsequent approval steps.

I received an email stating the proposal was approved by Senate Council or Senate - can I create a new proposal?

An undergraduate proposer drafting and submitting a proposal to the workflow will receive an automated email from Kuali Curriculum Management after the proposal has received final governance approval, either Senate Undergraduate Council or Senate, as applicable. However, a new proposal for the same record can not yet be made - the Office of the Registrar will receive the notification at the same and will have some post-approval work to conduct, along with the rest of the meeting agenda. This process will take several days. A new proposal can be made when the original proposal is no longer Under Review and is visible in the CM database.

What do I do if an approver is on leave they have proposals waiting for their approval?

Each proposal will display the Workflow Status field with the name of the approver(s) responsible for moving the proposal through the workflow and governance approval path.

If the name of the approver - set a the time the proposal was submitted to the workflow - has changed or the individual is on leave, a user will need to submit a request to the Office of the Registrar/Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, via the support portal, to "skip the step". Only system administrators can perform this task. A rationale for skipping the step will be required.

Note: If an approver has been changed in the system, it will only display for any proposals submitted to workflow after the change has been made. Existing approval paths will not be updated.


Do course components need to be approved?

Although course components no longer appear in the academic calendars, Senate Undergraduate Council and Senate Graduate and Research Council still govern their approval; to add or remove components from an existing course requires the governance approval process.

Undergraduate studies: Because timing of changes to course components impact course scheduling work, an upcoming fall effective date is still the best option to utilize. If another effective date (e.g., January 1 or May 1) is desired, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar first to see if the course is being offered and where we in upcoming term scheduling cycles, in order to determine what impacts there might be and what effective dates are possible.

Undergraduate studies

Why can't I use a winter/spring effective date for my proposal?

The Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar is published once a year and many records are intertwined. Changing, or even adding/removing, courses mid-way through the academic calendar year can have unintended consequences to programs/plans and even how averages are calculated.

As such, only fall effective dates are permissible. However, Kuali Curriculum Management will also winter and spring dates, as these are needed for the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, which is published termly.

Exceptions can be made, but consultation with the Office of the Registrar is required prior to a proposal being submitted. Use the support portal to submit a request for an alternative effective date.

Courses form

The subject code I need for a course isn't listed, what do I do?

If you are attempting to create a course with a new subject code, that new subject code must first be requested to be added to the system. Submit a request to create the new subject code. The process to create a new subject code can take 5-7 business days, thus requests should be submitted early in order not to impact any internal submission deadlines.

Why are there no decimals under units?

In the units field, do not use the arrows provided; this functionality exists in order for units to auto-calculate totals in some plan requirement listings, but do not account for the University of Waterloo's decimal system. Type in the units desired, using two decimal places (e.g., 0.25, 0.50, 1.50).

I chose a subject code but why is it not appearing/saving?

The Subject Code field is set up as a typeahead field with pre-determined options, meaning a user must type to filter the subject codes, but must also click on the subject code to select it.

If the subject code was typed and a user clicked away or tabbed away from the field without selecting the desired subject code, the field will be visibly blank.

If the subject code has been selected correctly, a trash can icon will appear next to the subject code, indicating it can be deleted if desired.

Programs & Plans form

I need to add a new course to a requisite/plan requirement but why isn't showing up in the list of results?

In this scenario, where a user is adding a new course - being created at the same time - to a list of courses in a requisites field (Courses form) or a requirements list (Programs & Plans form), the order of operations matters.

The new course must first be drafted and submitted to workflow. Once it has an Under Review state, a user will be able to search for the course in the appropriate rule field where it is to be added.