All about cross-listed courses

What is a cross-listed course?

Cross-listed courses share a course Quest identification number and all material content, such as title, description, components, etc.

  • The only fields that can be different for each offering are the subject code, course number, requisites, and ownership (faculty and academic unit).
  • One or all offerings can be scheduled during a given term and could be "held with" or not.
  • Cross-listed courses are identified in the academic calendars.


  • Cross-listings can not occur between undergraduate-level and graduate-level courses.
  • All offerings of a cross-listed course should normally be set at the same teaching level (e.g., both at the 200-level).

Alternatives to cross-listing courses

"Held with": A term used during the scheduling process (not listed in the academic calendars). Occurs when two different courses (different course Quest identification numbers) are taught in the same classroom by the same instructor at the same time. Each is listed as "held with" the other on the Schedule of Classes. Often occurs for offering similar undergraduate and graduate content, or similar undergraduate content (e.g., topics courses).

Reserve: A term used during the scheduling process (not listed in the academic calendars). Used when a number of students from a certain academic plan have spots reserved for them to take the course; perhaps the course is a required course in several academic plans (e.g., majors, minors) and there is a desire to ensure students who need to take the course can register for it before others do. But once all expected students have registered, reserves are often removed during the start of the term, opening up the spaces to other students.

Planning the submission

  • Is there a sound rationale, beyond optics, for the cross-listing?
  • Is there any official cross-listing agreement between both/all units?
    • How frequently will this agreement be re-examined moving forward?
    • Who is the owner of each offering?
    • Who is allowed to teach the course(s)/offerings?
  • Is a new cross-listing being added to an existing course?
    • This is considered course change, even in the new cross-listing (subject/number) doesn't currently exist.
    • Consultation with the other discipline is required.
  • Are changes being made to a course that is currently cross-listed?
    • Consultation and submission co-ordination with the other discipline is required.
  • Inactivating/retiring a cross-listed course:
    • Is the desire to inactivate/retire the entire cross-listed course (all offerings) or only one of the cross-listings?
  • Are other solutions (held with or reserves) better?

How to create new cross-lists

(for undergraduate studies)

A proposal for each course is needed. Each course may be "owned" by a different area of campus and co-ordination between the individuals is required. If assistance is needed to help with determining who to work with, reach out to your faculty contact.

Some possibilities of division of work:

  • One proposer creates all the proposals related to a cross-listed set, and then shares the draft with a person from the other area.
  • One proposer from each applicable area is responsible for creating the proposal for their applicable offering.

New set of courses (2 or more)

Course #1:

  1. Start a new course proposal.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = New.
  3. Enter data in all required fields.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner")
  5. Save draft.
  6. After exiting the draft, select Duplicate to create a copy for Course #2. This ensures all shared fields are identical.
  7. Once Course #2 draft has been saved, course #2 can be added to the cross-listing field.

Course #2:

  1. Proposal Details:
    1. Ensure Proposal Type = New
    2. Rationale
  2. Change any of the following (the only fields that can be different), if should be different:
    1. Faculty
    2. Academic Unit
    3. Subject Code
    4. Number (and associated Course Level)
    5. Cross-listing (add Course #1 only)
    6. Prerequisites, Corequisites, Antirequisites
    7. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner")
  3. Save draft.

Add new course to existing course

Course #1 (existing):

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = Change.
  3. Make any additional changes to the course as needed.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner")
  5. Save draft.
  6. After exiting the draft, select Duplicate to create a copy for Course #2. This ensures all shared fields are identical.
  7. Once Course #2 draft has been saved, course #2 can be added to the cross-listing field.

Course #2 (new):

  1. Proposal details:
    1. Ensure Proposal Type = New
    2. Rationale
  2. Change any of the following (the only fields that can be different), if should be different:
    1. Faculty
    2. Academic Unit
    3. Subject Code
    4. Number (and associated Course Level)
    5. Cross-listing (add Course #1)
    6. Prerequisites, Corequisites, Antirequisites
    7. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner")
  3. Save draft.


  • If a new course is being added to an existing set of cross-listed courses:
    • Each existing course needs to be submitted as a change (i.e., at minimum, the list of cross-listings needs to be updated).
  • If Duplicate method is used, the Quest ID and Offering Number will copy over (we want this). The Offering Number will be overridden by the staff in the Office of the Registrar before the course is moved to Quest, but bringing in the Quest ID is important for Quest integration work.

How to make changes to cross-lists

(for undergraduate studies)

Making changes to existing cross-listed courses requires updating more than one record. Even if the proposed changes are only being applied to one of the courses in a cross-listed set (e.g., subject code change, requisite change), a proposal for each course will need to be submitted to the governance approval path with the same effective date so that the records can match in Quest.

Each course may be "owned" by a different area of campus and co-ordination between the individuals is required. If assistance is needed to help with determining who to work with, reach out to your faculty contact.

Some possibilities of division of work:

  • One proposer creates all the proposals related to a cross-listed set, and then shares the draft with a person from the other area.
  • One proposer from each applicable area is responsible for creating the proposal for their applicable offering.

Making changes to all courses in a cross-listed set (2 or more)

For each course:

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = Change.
  3. Make any additional changes to the course as needed.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").

Making changes to one course in a set of courses (2 or more)

Course #1 (with changes):

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = Change.
  3. Make any additional changes to the course as needed.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").

Course #2 (without changes):

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = Change.
  3. Ensure Effective Term and Year aligns with date selected for Course #1.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").


  • The above scenario, where Course #1 has changes but Course #2 has no change applied, is only applicable if the field that is changing is one that is allowed to differ in the system. Fields that can differ between cross-listed courses: Faculty, Academic Unit, Subject Code, Number (and thus Level), Cross-Listed Courses, Prerequisites, Corequisites, Antirequisites.
  • When a Course #2 proposal is created only because the course's cross-listed offering is changing (Course #1) but no change is being applied to Course #2, this sample rationale can be used: "No change is being made to this course; a new version is being created with a matching effective date because its cross-listed offering is changing."
  • If Course #1 has a change to the Subject Code or Number fields, no change is needed in the Cross-Listed Courses field for Course #2. With the proposals' matching effective dates, once Course #1 is approved, the Cross-Listed Courses field in Course #2 will be automatically updated.

How to retire cross-lists

(for undergraduate studies)

A proposal for each course is needed. Each course may be "owned" by a different area of campus and co-ordination between the individuals is required. If assistance is needed to help with determining who to work with, reach out to your faculty contact.

Some possibilities of division of work:

  • One proposer creates all the proposals related to a cross-listed set, and then shares the draft with a person from the other area.
  • One proposer from each applicable area is responsible for creating the proposal for their applicable offering.

Retire set of courses (2 or more)

For each course:

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Change status to Retire.
  3. Ensure Proposal Type = Retire.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").

Remove a course, keep other course

Course #1 (to be kept):

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Ensure Proposal Type = Change.
  3. In the cross-listing field, remove course #2 from the listing.
  4. Make any additional changes to the course as needed.
  5. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").

Course #2 (to be removed - this will retire it):

  1. Propose changes.
  2. Change status to Retire.
  3. Ensure Proposal Type = Retire.
  4. Workflow Path for Approval = add all applicable faculty/affiliated institutions (not just "owner").


  • If a course is being removed from an existing set of cross-listed courses and more than one remains, each existing course needs to be submitted as a change (i.e., at minimum, the list of cross-listings needs to be updated).