(for undergraduate studies proposers)
- Navigate to the desired database in Kuali Curriculum Management (CM): Courses, Programs & Plans, or Regulations.
- Type in the Search bar to locate the record.
- Open the record by clicking on the record's row in the database.
- Verify there is not already a proposal drafted or submitted of the record. The absence of a "View My Proposal" or "View Current Proposal" in the right navigation menu indicates a user can proceed. If either link is present, STOP and do not proceed with changes.
"View My Proposal" link is present. Do not proceed with changes."View Current Proposal" link is present. Do not proceed with changes.
- Within the record, select Propose Changes in the right navigation menu.
- In the Propose Changes pop-up window that appears, select the appropriate option (i.e., new version or revision, dependent on the effective date for the changes), then select NEXT. An editable proposal form for the record will open (Draft state).
- Effective Term and Year: If Revision was selected when proposing changes, do not update the Effective Term and Year field.
If New Version was selected when proposing changes, read the Important! information regarding Effective Term and Year on the form, and ensure those guidelines are followed when updating the Effective Term and Year field. - In the Proposal Type field, select Change.
- Input all necessary changes, ensuring all required fields (designated with a red asterisk) are completed.
- When changes are complete or you are leaving the form, select Save and Exit.
- When the proposal is ready for workflow, select Submit for Approval.
Be sure to save often. If an error is made, select Cancel to go back to the previous saved state or Delete Proposal to start again.