How to create a new proposal using the Duplicate feature

(for undergraduate studies proposers)

The Duplicate feature in Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) is available for proposers to use on existing records as well as on draft proposals. Selecting Duplicate on a record or draft proposal will create a draft proposal copy of that record or proposal, with content copied over from most form fields.

Form fields where content will not copy over:

  • Effective Term and Year
  • Proposal Details fields (e.g., Proposal Type, Rationale, Supporting Documentation, etc.)
  • Workflow Information fields

Recommended situations for using the Duplicate feature:

  • When creating cross-listed courses.
  • When creating multiple new course proposals simultaneously, with similar base information.
  • When creating a new program or plan that has similarities to an existing one in your department or faculty.

The Duplicate feature must not be used to duplicate:

  • Courses that are approved records (i.e., they are in the Courses database with a Quest Course ID).

To use the Duplicate feature

  1. Type in the Search bar to locate the record. (Alternately, if the curricular item you want to duplicate is a draft proposal, locate the draft proposal under Proposals.)
  2. Open the record by clicking on the record's row in the database.
  3. Within the record (or proposal), select Duplicate in the right navigation menu.
    The duplicate button in the right navigation menu of a record.
    The duplicate button in the right navigation menu of a draft proposal.
  4. A new editable proposal form will open (Draft state), with most fields populated with content from the original of the record or proposal.
  5. Input all necessary changes, ensuring all required fields (designated by a red asterisk) are completed. 
  6. When changes are complete or you are leaving the form, select Save and Exit
  7. When the proposal is ready for workflow, select Submit for Approval.


Be sure to save often. If an error is made, select Cancel to go back to the previous saved state or Delete Proposal to start again.