Applied Math Talk | Donghoon Lee, L++ : A New Coding Language for Life Design

Thursday, May 5, 2022 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

MC 6460<--break-><--break-><--break-><--break-><--break->


Donghoon Lee | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center


L++ : A New Coding Language for Life Design 


How can we effectively build a biological system from scratch? It would first require a standard human-readable language to efficiently generate a blueprint of it, which should also be a computer-interpretable code to simulate and visualize it. To build such a life design platform, we are creating a new coding language, L++, dedicated to design biological systems. Its intuitive and expressive syntax and hierarchical top-down programming style enable life designers to unambiguously describe the system at any resolution. L++ source code is processed by its compiler to generate simulation and visualization programs. With L++, we vision that biology becomes programming, which will fundamentally transform the way we approach biology and human diseases.