- Graeme Smith: Faculty of Mathematics Golden Jubilee Research Excellence Award
- Sue Ann Campbell: Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society
- David Del Rey Fernández: CAIMS/PIMS Early Career Award
- Hans De Sterck: Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Anita Layton: Award of Merit, Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals
- Anita Layton: John L Synge Medal, Royal Society of Canada (RSC)
- Graeme Smith: Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Siv Sivaloganathan: CAIMS-Fields Industrial Mathematics Prize
- Sue Ann Campbell: President, Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematical Society (CAIMS)
- Anita Layton: Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Anita Layton: Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
- Mohammad Kohandel: Faculty of Mathematics Awards for Distinction in Teaching
- Siv Sivaloganathan: Fellow of the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)
- Anita Layton: Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics
- Anita Layton: WXN 2021 Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award (Science and Technology)
- Anita Layton: Krieger-Nelson Prize, Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
- Eduardo Martin-Martinez: Golden Jubilee Research Excellence Award
- Kirsten Morris: Math Faculty Research Chair, 2021-2024
- Kirsten Morris: Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Sue Ann Campbell: University Research Chair
- Jun Liu: Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (CAIMS/PIMS) Early Career Award
- Kirsten Morris: IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award
- Marek Stastna: President of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
- Kirsten Morris: Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Sri Namachchivaya: University Research Chair
Kirsten Morris: Chair, SIAM Activity group on Control and Systems Theory
Jun Liu: Early Researcher Award
Chris Bauch: Coupled Human and Natural Systems Laboratory (CHANS-lab)
- Eduardo Martin-Martinez: Early Researcher Award
Marek Stastna: Computational Infrastructure for Simulating Lake, Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics
Kirsten Morris: Vice Chair, SIAM Activity group on Control and Systems Theory, 2016-2017
- David Harmsworth: Faculty of Mathematics Award for Distinction in Teaching
- Kirsten Morris: Optimal sensor location for distributed parameter systems
- Sander Rhebergen: NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement
Achim Kempf: Co-chair of the International Society for Relativistic Quantum Information (ISRQI), 2014 - 2017
Achim Kempf: University Research Chair, 2014-2021
- Josef Paldus: Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Chris Bauch: University Research Chair, 2013-2020
- Kirsten Morris: Vice-president, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2013-2016
- Kirsten Morris: Computing Infrastructure for Control of Complex Physical Systems
- Joseph Emerson: Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 2012-2018
- Joseph Emerson: Early Researcher Award
- Beverly Marshman: Faculty of Mathematics Award for Distinction in Teaching
- Brian Ingalls: Early Researcher Award
- Hans De Sterck: Early Researcher Award
- Achim Kempf: Canada Research Chair, 2004-2014
- Achim Kempf: Premier's Research Excellence Award
- Zoran Miskovic: Premier's Research Excellence Award