Graduate Matthew Ambacher (centre), along with Michael Waite (left) and Francs Poulin (right)
Eight graduate degrees in applied mathematics were awarded at the Fall 2017 convocation.
Matthew Ambacher: "Normal Mode Wave-Vortex Decompositions of Mesoscale Simulations"
Riley Brooks (Master’s Research Paper): "Convergence Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Methods"
Anthony Caterini: "A Novel Mathematical Framework for the Analysis of Neural Networks"
Shawn Corvec: "A modelling investigation into the impacts of the convective parameterization on the tropical circulation"
Keegan Keplinger (also received GDip in Theoretical Neuroscience): "Persistent oscillations in the Aplysia bag cell network"
Mikhail Panine: "On Perturbative Methods in Spectral Geometry"
Zhen Wang: "Clustering behaviour in networks with time delayed all-to-all coupling"
Kexue Zhang: "Impulsive Control of Dynamical Networks"