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Stacey Acker
Kinesiology, Associate Professor

Arash Arami
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor

Jason Au
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Michael Barnett-Cowan
Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies

[Waterloo News] September 25, 2018 "Virtual reality motion sickness may be predicted and counteracted"
[ScienceDaily] December 15, 2018 "Aging warps our perception of time, study finds"
[Record] October 12, 2017 "Aging slows perception of falls: UW study"
Jack Callaghan
Kinesiology, Professor

Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor

CBB Executive Director
Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo News] February 19, 2019 "How to make the push-up work for you"
[Waterloo Stories] October 7, 2013 "Reducing shoulder injuries in the workplace"
Steven Fischer
Kinesiology, Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreach

Lora Giangregorio
Kinesiology, Professor

Sheereen Harris
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Ehsan Hashemi
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests
- Control system development for Driver Assistance Systems
- Fault-tolerant state estimation for biped robots
- Distributed Estimation
- Control Theory
- Multibody Dynamics
Krista Kelly

Research Interests:
- Effects of atypical visual experience on the developing brain
- Ocular motor dysfunction in amblyopia and strabismus
- Functional consequences of common pediatric eye conditions (amblyopia, strabismus, anisometropia, cataract) on reading and motor skills
Nikolas Knowles

Research interests:
- Upper-extremity biomechanics
- Orthopaedic biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Computational modeling
- Imaging
Andrew Laing

Research Interests:
- Musculoskeletal biomechanics related to human health and injury prevention, and the role that advanced age has on these relationships.
- Fall-related tissue trauma including hip fractures, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries
- Workplace musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD)
- Orthopedic biomechanics
[YouTube] Andrew Laing, Department of Kinesiology, UW
Monica R Maly

Research Interests
- Knee biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Clinical outcomes
- Mobility
- Exercise
- Muscle
- Imaging and disability
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

Research interests:
- Aging and neurodegeneration
- Movement disorders
- Gait kinematics
- Neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment
- Mood, emotion and cognition
- Fear, threat, anxiety and depression
- Virtual reality
Bill McIlroy

Research Interests:
- Neuroscience and neurological disorders
- Balance, gait, exercise
- Aging
- Understanding how the brain and other parts of the central nervous system control movements of the body
- Using advanced measurements systems to improve recovery time after a neurological injury (such as a stroke) and minimize age-related effects on movement control (such as reducing the risk of falling).
- Electroencephalography and electromyography
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation
- Galvanic skin measurement
- Eye-tracker, motion analysis, and kinetic measurement
[Waterloo News] August 19, 2015 "Wearable technologies will improve stroke rehabilitation"
[Waterloo Stories] February 4, 2014 "Finding your way after a stroke"
John McPhee
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomechatronics
- Multibody dynamic models and simulation
- Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots
- Biomechanics
- Sports engineering
- Systems theory
- Model-based control
- Autonomous cars and vehicle dynamics
- Machine learning
- Computer vision
- Hybrid electric vehicles
Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
NSERC/Toyota/Maplesoft Industrial Research Chair in Mathematics-Based Modelling and Design [NSERC Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] February 20, 2019 "Engineering innovation for wheelchair curlers"
[Waterloo Stories] August 5, 2016 "Rio Olympics 2016: Engineering speed for the Canadian track cycling team"
[Waterloo Stories] June 17, 2015 "Waterloo’s $10M dream facility for smarter, greener cars"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Laura Middleton

Research interests:
- Identifying interventions to promote well-being of people with, and those at risk for, dementia
- Co-design of technologies, programs, and services with people living with dementia, care partners, and other stakeholders, with a focus on physical activity and other lifestyle strategies
- Co-development of professional development programs for health and community service providers to promote quality and accessibility of health and wellness programs and services for persons living with dementia
- Integration of virtual programs, including virtual reality, to promote physical activity and healthy living
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- human-robot interaction
- wearable robots
- rehabilitation robots
- intelligent assistive devices
- humanoid robots
- human movement analysis
- optimal control
- model-based control
- multibody systems modeling
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo

Research Interests:
- Role of normal binocular vision in the development of fine motor skills
- Neuroplasticity resulting from abnormal binocular vision due to amblyopia and/or strabismus
- Multisensory integration during performance of complex manipulation tasks
- Gaze behaviour in complex environments
- Innovative assessment of pilot competency
- Effect of mild traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome on oculomotor and cognitive functions
- Environmental and genetic interactions
Zhao Pan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Fluid dynamics
- Bio-mechanics
- Micro-fluids
- Flow diagnostics
- Uncertainty quantification
- Velocimetry-based pressure measurement
- Cavitation
- Droplets and bubbles
- Jets
- Dynamics and controls
[Science Mag] June 6, 2016 "This desert moss can water itself with fog"
[Nature] June 08, 2016 "How desert moss drinks from air"
[PNAS] June 22, 2017 "Cavitation onset caused by acceleration"
Joe Quadrilatero

Research Interests:
The primary focus of the Skeletal Muscle Biology and Cell Death Laboratory is to study cell death processes (i.e., apoptosis and autophagy) in skeletal muscle. In addition, a major theme is the influence of mitochondrial signaling and dynamics on skeletal muscle development, function, regeneration, and health.
Siby Samuel
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Simulation & Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
- Novice And Older Driver Training
- Predictive & Conceptual Modeling Of Behavior
- Eye Tracking
- Attention & Cognition
- Perception
- Decision Making
- Aging
- Automotive Human Factors
- Autonomous Vehicles And Connected Vehicles & Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Caregiver Behaviors & Errors
- Assistive & Automotive Interfaces
- Vulnerable Road User Safety (Pedestrians & Bicyclists)
- Motorcyclist Safety
- Special Populations (ADHD & Dementia)
- Traffic Control Devices & Roadway Infrastructure Design
Oliver Schneider
Management Sciences

Research Interests
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Haptics
- Creativity-support systems
[YouTube] October 11, 2018 "DualPanto: A Haptic Device that Enables Blind Users to Continuously Interact with Virtual Worlds"
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

James Tung
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies (gerontology, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, fall risk in stroke survivors, and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury)
Neuromotor control
Biomedical signal analysis
[Waterloo Stories] July 8, 2014 "GPS technology may help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier"
Karen Van Ooteghem

Research interests:
- Aging
- Balance and mobility impairment
- Central nervous system function
- Wireless sensor technologies
[National Centre for Biotechnology Information] August 31, 2019 "Key factors for the assessment of mobility in advanced dementia: A consensus approach"
[Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative] September 26, 2019 "Wearable technologies to improve health outcomes in people with neurodegenerative diseases?"
Thomas Willett
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomaterials and mechanics of biomaterials and tissues
Bone quality and fragility, collagen
Engineering of bone mimetic materials for skeletal reconstruction (3D printing)