Biology Graduate Symposium-2021

Thursday, April 29, 2021 (all day)
various biology activities

The annual Biology Graduate Symposium will take place virtually on April 29, 2021.

Keynote Speaker:

Public Science Engagement in the Life Sciences: Principles, Strategies, and the Latest Research

By David Shiffman, PhD

Symposium schedule is listed below. The session links, along with the abstracts, will be sent out to all registrants on April 27.

Schedule of speakers

9:00 am: Opening & Welcome – Dr. Moira Glerum & Isabel Hilgendag

Time Session 1 - Chair:  Julia Sunga Session 2 - Chair:  Alexander Douglas

Adam Grotolli

Declining mercury concentration with age in the fur of an insectivorous terrestrial mammals (Myotis lucifugus)

Alex Umbach

Skin archaea are rare and uncommon members of the mammalian skin microbiome


Isabel Hilgendag

Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) food web mercury biomagnification in the inner Frobisher Bay, NU

Elaine Novik

The Microbiomes of North American Freshwater and Marine Algae


Bronte McPhedran

Use of otolith microchemistry in a study of heavy metal contamination in fish from a natural tundra wastewater wetland: a case study in Baker Lake, NU, Canada

Ghadeer Aljoudi

Identification and Detection of Microbial and Cyanobacterial communities in The Glenmore Reservoir


Nicole Gauvreau

Neurodegenerative impacts of wastewater effluent pharmaceuticals in Darters (Etheostoma spp.) in the Grand River

Ellen Cameron

Evaluating Diurnal Trends in Cyanobacterial Communities – Implications for Monitoring Protocols


Dongchang Yang

Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Environmental Analysis: Solvent Effect

Timothy Shardlow

Identification and characterization of toxic cyanobacteria in two maritime watersheds within forested regimes in North America


Joseph Varga

Characterizing the antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory roles of a novel antimicrobial peptide, rainbow trout tripartite motif-related peptide (rtTRIM)

Lisa Johnson

Microbial function and diversity in biofilms obtained from a landfill gas capture system

10: 45 - Break

11:00: Keynote Speaker – Dr. David Shiffman

12:00: Lunch Break/Meet Dr. David Shiffman

Time Session 3 - Chair:  Britney Firth Session 4 - Chair:  Brian Dixon

Cory Savage

Application of artificial substrate samplers to assess enrichment of metals of concern by river floodwaters to lakes across the Peace- Athabasca Delta

Huming Guo

The Effects of Water Temperature and Selective Breeding on Vaccine Efficacy and Immune Response in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)


Kathleen Brown

Evaluating the effects of local climate change on lake-water balance at the Peace- Athabasca Delta using paleolimnology

George Heath

Development of protein-level assays to assess immune status in salmonids


Mia Stratton

Investigating the role of an upstream watershed on ice-jam flood regimes at the Peace-Athabasca Delta

Saeer Adeel

A genetic approach to decipher the phenotypic abnormalities of 5’- methylthioadenosine toxicity


Caleb Girard

Upstream ‘trigger tributary’ influence on temporal variation of ice-jam induced flooding at the Peace-Athabasca Delta using paleolimnological reconstructions

Alyssa Overton

A Study on a Protein Candidate for the Novel C-Terminal Transit Peptide OEP Targeting Pathway


Anita Ghosh

Delineating a zone of hydrological change at the Peace-Athabasca Delta associated with upstream regulation of Peace River flow using paleolimnological records

Lucia Liao

Characterization of protein S-acylation in autophagy


Wathiq Mohammed

Use of artificial-substrate samplers to identify relations between periphytic diatom community composition and hydro- limnological conditions in shallow thermokarst lakes of Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory (Canada)

Teshager Kefale

Efficient production of mannitol and amino acids using Yarrowia lipolytica


Anna Jewczynko

Structural and Enzymatic Comparison of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii α- glycosidases and Sucrase-Isomaltase

2:45 pm: Break

Time Session 5 - Chair:  Julia Sunga Session 6 - Chair:  Alexander Douglas

Erika Burton

Assessment of remote Patagonian riverine fish communities using environmental DNA

Adeline Suko

Three-dimensional modelling of the avian crystalline lens


Madison Brook

Using air temperature to predict the age at maturity of Asian Carp

Richard Do

α-parvin in Xenopus laevis


Keith McAllister

Assessing invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) impacts on native benthic fish communities in two Great Lakes tributaries

Emma Collington

Identifying unique domain fusions of redox proteins in parasitic worms


Khawlah Hawsawi

Cryptic species complex Hyalella azteca in The North American Great Basin

Bradley D’souza

Characterization of Mrc1 Origin Timing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Megan Jordan

Examining the Seed Banks of Invaded Coastal Wetlands

Manjot Hunjan

Facilitating point of care diagnostics through rapid real-time pathogen and host biomarker detection


Evan Balzer

Anthropogenic Roost Selection and Body Mass Phenology of Bats in Eastern Canada

Isaac Ellmen

Automated analysis of SARS-CoV-2 wastewater sequencing data


Brittney Lato

Investigating multiplexed mutations in Drosophila

4:45 pm: Closing Remarks – Dr. Moira Glerum & Isabel Hilgendag

5:00 pm: End of Symposium