Biology Graduate Symposium-2022

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 (all day)

The annual Biology Graduate Symposium will take place virtually on April 27, 2022.

Keynote Speakers:

How to Find Your First Scientific Research Position in Industry

By Ashley Ross, PhD

Somewhere in the Between: Post-doctoral Life and How to Get There

By Matthew McLeod, PhD

Schedule of speakers is listed below. The session links, along with the abstracts, will be sent out to all registrants on April 26.

Schedule of Speakers

9:00 am: Opening & Welcome – Dr. Moira Glerum & Rachel Beaver

Time Session 1 - Chair:  Alexander Douglas Session 2 - Chair:  Alex Umbach

Julia Sunga

The role of social preferences in the organization of a gregarious mammal colony

Yifan Yang

A resampling method for RNA-seq analysis


Danny McIsaac

Local and landscape drivers of frog communities in urban stormwater management facilities

Nilanth Yogadasan

A machine learning approach identifies plastomic predictors of C4 photosynthesis in PACMAD grasses


Gwynne Domashinski

Fatty adaption: Patterns in energy storage in swarming little brown bats a decade after white-nose exposure

Harold Hodgins

Discovery of ancient neurotoxins


Sean McLay

Indications of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage recovery following wastewater treatment upgrades

Sean Newbury

Transactivation of PDGFRα


Veronica Viljakainen

Elucidating microbial plastic degrading enzymes (PDEs) using a metagenomics- driven approach

10: 45 - Break

11:00: Keynote Speakers – Dr. Ashley Ross and Dr. Matthew McLeod

12:00: Lunch Break

Time Session 3 - Chair:  Rachel McNamee Session 4 - Chair:  Jersey Fontz

Patrick Breadner

The partitioning behaviour of SARS- CoV-2 in wastewater

Britney Firth

Seasonal and environmental effects on upper thermal limits and oxygen tolerances of Eastern Sand Darter (Ammocrypta pellucida)


Brian Youden

Multifunctional gold-liposomes as an all-in-one platform for radiotherapy

Xiaoqing Dang

Development of diagnostic strategies for salmonidae diseases based on Oncorhynchus mykiss culture Freshwater samples


Jessica Luc

Profiling the host transcriptome response to SARS-CoV-2 and its intrahost genetic diversity

Rachel Dawe

Impacts of wastewater treatment plant effluent and pharmaceutical exposure on innate cytokine expression of darters (Etheostoma spp.) in the Grand River watershed


Emily Baker

Investigating the role of the transcription factor hindsight in a notch-induced tumour model

Mehdi Moslemi Aqdam

Understanding among-lake variability of fish mercury concentrations in the Canadian subarctic


Rohini Prakash

Construction and optimization of a sDNA vector production system for gene therapy platform

Marissa Zago

Effects of invasive Phragmites australis management on avian species diversity in the coastal wetlands of Long Point, Ontario


Rebecca Quinn

Characterization of the mechanistic roles of Rif1-Glc7 in DNA double- strand break

Madeleine Prater

Arctic marine food web structure

2:30 pm: Break

Time Session 5 - Chair:  Michelle McKnight Session 6 - Chair:  Spencer Weinstein

Adrian Van Dyk

The Interaction of the Escherichia coli CP-Lyase and shikimate pathways with glyphosate

Hadeel Abed

Characterizing the seasonal presence of cyanobacterial toxin & nitrogen-fixing genes in an oligotrophic watershed using metagenomic analyses


Nicole Fraser

Crystal structure of a fungal polyglycine hydrolase using a RoseTTAFold model

Hannah Thibault

Reconstructing past variation in lake water balances to identify the role of a shifting hydroclimate at watersheds upstream of the drying Peace-Athabasca Delta


Cody Collis

Viral communities in freshwater environments investigated through metagenomic analysis of Big Turkey Lake, Ontario

Lauryn Pinks

Light and nutrient availability interactively mediate heterotrophic carbon processing in stream biofilms through algal priming: insights from artificial and natural streams


Nikhil George

Virus-host interactions in a municipal landfill include non-specific viruses, hyper-targeted viral populations, and interviral conflicts

Lauren Banks

Does scale matter in determining the role of groundwater input as a driver of ecological function and structure in a headwater stream network?

3:45 pm: Closing Remarks – Rachel Beaver & Dr. Moira Glerum

5:00 pm: End of Symposium