Biology Thesis Defence Request Form

Please review the Thesis Defence Checklists on the Biology website for full details on the defence process.


MSc candidates must submit their request a minimum of 5 weeks before the defence date.

PhD candidates must submit their request a minimum of 7 weeks before the defence date.

Note: The title included is the one that will appear on your final thesis and is required for submission to UWSpace. If, at your defence, your committee decides that a change is necessary then please notify Krista Parsons in the Faculty of Science Grad Office immediately. All paperwork submitted to the GSPA approving your thesis must contain the correct title or it will be rejected.
When arranging a meeting, 30 minutes is added to the start time to allow for set up. If Skype or Teleconference will be required, then one hour is added to the start time to allow for set up. Therefore, the earliest a meeting can start is 9:00a (with an 8:30a set up and everyone attending in person) or 9:30a (with an 8:30a set up and one member joining remotely). Meetings must be held during regular University business hours (8:30a-4:30p) to allow access to equipment, access to rooms, and support.
The proposed meeting date and time must have been previously approved by your committee members (for PhD students, this includes your internal/external examiner).
*If yes, complete the Request to Restrict Circulation of Thesis form. This form must be fully approved and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office before any restrictions will be applied to the circulation of the thesis, at least one week prior to the submission of the actual thesis for examination.
Please use the current email address being used( UWaterloo/other)
Please note, you can only have one type of equipment, and one committee member physically absent; your supervisor(s) should be present at your meeting.
Email confirmation will be sent out once all meeting details have been finalized. You will also receive confirmation that this form was submitted. Please contact the Biology Graduate Office if you have any questions.