Laura Lemieux

Continuing Lecturer, Undergrad Advisor (Biochemistry)
Location: B1 278
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38067
Dr. Lemieux received her PhD in biochemistry from the University of Illinois in 1991. She has held research positions at the University of Illinois, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Queen's University and Neurochem (currently Bellus Health) before joining St. Lawrence College as a Professor of Biotechnology in 1998. At St. Lawrence College she collaborated on research with the company Octane.
Her previous research includes the following projects
*Identifying and studying unique enzymatic drug targets in the parasite Leishmania.
*Protein structural studies on Cytochrome o Oxidase in E. coli through DNA sequencing, site-directed mutagenesis and spectroscopic analysis of mutants.
*Development of drugs to treat various types of amyloidosis including Alzheimer’s and systemic AA-amyloidosis.
*Identification of Cord Blood Stem cell requirements for amplification in an automated tissue culture system to produce sufficient stem cells to provide immune recovery for adult patients.
Her previous research includes the following projects
*Identifying and studying unique enzymatic drug targets in the parasite Leishmania.
*Protein structural studies on Cytochrome o Oxidase in E. coli through DNA sequencing, site-directed mutagenesis and spectroscopic analysis of mutants.
*Development of drugs to treat various types of amyloidosis including Alzheimer’s and systemic AA-amyloidosis.
*Identification of Cord Blood Stem cell requirements for amplification in an automated tissue culture system to produce sufficient stem cells to provide immune recovery for adult patients.
Research Interests
- Immunology and Immunological techniques
- Molecular techniques such as DNA cloning, sequencing, mutagenesis, pcr and in situ hybridization
- Drug discovery and use of stem cells as immune recovery agents
- Instrumentation for purification and analysis of drugs and proteins
- 1991 Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of Illinois, United States
- 1985 B.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Kentucky, United States
- BIOL 239 - Genetics
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- BIOL 335L - Molecular Biology Techniques
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
- BIOL 432 - Molecular Biotechnology 2
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
- BIOL 433 - Plant Biotechnology
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- BIOL 483 - Animal Cell Biotechnology
- Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- R.Kisilevsky, L. Lemieux , L. Boudreau, Y. Dunsheng and P. Fraser. "New Clothes for Amyloid Enhancing Factor (AEF): Silk as AEF". Amyloid (1999), Vol. 6 , pp. 98-106.
- Svensson, M., Hallen, S., Thomas, J. W., Lemieux, L., Gennis, R. B., and Nilsson, T. “Oxygen Reaction and Proton Uptake in Helix VIII of Cytochrome bo3.” Biochemistry (1995), Vol. 34, pp. 5252-5258.
- M.W. Calhoun, L.J. Lemieux, J.A. Garcia-Horsman, J.W. Thomas, J.O. Alben, and R.B. Gennis. "The highly conserved methionine of subunit I of the heme-copper oxidases is not at the heme-copper dinuclear center: mutagenesis of M110 in subunit I of cytochrome bo3-type ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli". FEBS Letters (1995), Volume 368, pp. 523-525.
- R. Kisilevsky, L. Lemieux, P. Fraser, X. Kong, P. Hultin and W. Szarek. "Arresting Amyloidosis in vivo Using Small-molecule anionic sulphonates or sulphates: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease. " Nature Medicine (1995), Vol. 1, pp. 143-148.
- L.J. Lemieux, M.W. Calhoun, J. Thomas, W.J. Ingledew, and R.B. Gennis. "Determination of the Ligands of the Low-Spin Heme of the Cytochrome o Ubiquinol Oxidase Complex Using Site-Directed Mutagenesis." Journal of Biological Chemistry (1992), Vol. 267, pp. 2105-13.