Blog Topic

Communication Abstracts - cancelled August 31, 2016

Communication Abstracts expires on August 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Wired [print] - cancelled August 31, 2016

Wired [print] expires on August 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Winnipeg Free Press [print] - cancelled August 25, 2016

Winnipeg Free Press [print] expires on August 25, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Waterloo Chronicle [print] - cancelled August 15, 2016

Waterloo Chronicle [print] expires on August 15, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin - cancelled June 30, 2016

Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin expires on June 30, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Oxford Very Short Introductions - cancelled June 30, 2016

Oxford Very Short Introductions expires on June 30, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Oxford Electronic Enlightenment - cancelled June 30, 2016

Oxford Electronic Enlightenment expires on June 30, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Computer and Information Science Abstracts (CISA) - cancelled April 30, 2016

Computer and Information Science Abstracts (CISA) expired on April 30, 2016 and will not be renewed.

We heard you!

Last month we asked you to “Have Your Say” about current library spaces. Comment cards were available in study areas at the Dana Porter and Davis Centre Libraries for our users to fill out. Here is the high level feedback we gathered through these comment cards:

Students using the DC Library want

  • More study space
  • Better WiFi
  • Improved washrooms
  • Reduced noise
  • Enhanced atmosphere

Students using the DP Library want

Advisory Committee meets + a visual scan

The Advisory committee’s first meeting (February 25, 2016) included a review of the Library Revitalization Project Charter, Terms of Reference and the communication plan (Rebecca and Sarah B). 
