News Sources written by Sarah Alemany

Sarah Alemany smiling in the wind

Do you need access to news articles past or present? Or do you maybe just have a fascination with print and news sources in general? Well then, the Library has some great resources for you! We offer a variety of resources related to print and news outlets and sources. These resources can be accessed when visiting the library’s website. Click on the “Find resources” tab and scroll down until you see the “News Sources” section. After clicking on this, it’ll take you to our main page where you’ll be able to access all of the news sources we have to offer! This news sources guide gives you access to historical as well as current news-related stories from a variety of places worldwide. It gives you the option to select Canadian, European, American as well as worldwide news. In addition to this, it provides you with “newspaper locators” to ensure that you can both access as well as translate newspapers and related information from across the globe.

News Source navigation bar on UW library websiteOur news source offerings don’t end there either! We provide you with news databases that allow you to search multiple news sources for the topic of your choosing in an efficient manner. Further, these databases offer you the ability to access news resources dating back as far as the 1950’s. Are you looking for business-related magazines, journals, or newsletters? Then we offer you the Factiva news database. Or maybe you’re looking for “op-eds” and media stories from across the world? Well then, our Project Syndicate database will help you out.

And just when you thought there weren’t any other news-related resources we could possibly offer… there are! News directories can also be found and accessed on our “news sources” page. We offer three directories, one of which provides worldwide coverage organized according to geographical area, and includes internet services, magazines, press agencies and broadcast stations; this is ABYZ News Links. The other two we offer are the World Media Directory, and the Canada's Other Voices: National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada directory.

- Sarah Alemany