Fue-Sang Lien, PEng

Email: fslien@uwaterloo.ca
Location: ERC 2024,CPH 2376C
Phone: 519-888-4567 x36528,519-888-4567 x36528
Fue-Sang Lien is a Professor in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering department. Professor Lien is also the head of Waterloo Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering Consulting.
His research interests include computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling, wind engineering and dispersion, aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
Professor Lien was a member of the Scientific Committee in the 4th International Symposium on Wind Engineering in 2006. He was also a member of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada from 1998-2006 and a member of the International and National Scientific Committee in the 5th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer.
Professor Lien is currently a member of IMMERSE – The Research Network for Video Game Immersion. His expertise lies in using simulations (namely, Computational Fluid Dynamics) in virtual worlds to train first responders in response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive catastrophic events, and is interested in working on improving the learning experience by employing serious game technologies.
His research interests include computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling, wind engineering and dispersion, aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
Professor Lien was a member of the Scientific Committee in the 4th International Symposium on Wind Engineering in 2006. He was also a member of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada from 1998-2006 and a member of the International and National Scientific Committee in the 5th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer.
Professor Lien is currently a member of IMMERSE – The Research Network for Video Game Immersion. His expertise lies in using simulations (namely, Computational Fluid Dynamics) in virtual worlds to train first responders in response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive catastrophic events, and is interested in working on improving the learning experience by employing serious game technologies.
Research Interests
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Urban Flow and Dispersion Modelling, Turbulence Modeling and Large Eddy Simulation, Free-Surface Flow, Buoyancy-Driven Flow, Turbomachinery Flow, Unsteady Combustion, Aeroacoustics, Inverse Problem, Energy
Scholarly Research
This is a test we will delete it later
- 1992, Doctorate Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
- 1984, Master's Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- 1982, Bachelor's Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- ME 564 - Aerodynamics
- Taught in 2021, 2023, 2024
- ME 566 - Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Design
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- ME 663 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Taught in 2020, 2022, 2024
- MTE 202 - Ordinary Differential Equations
- Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Mo, Huangrui and Lien, Fue-Sang and Zhang, Fan and Cronin, Duane S, A sharp interface immersed boundary method for solving flow with arbitrarily irregular and changing geometry, arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.06830, , 2016
- Men, Zhongxian and Yee, Eugene and Lien, Fue-Sang and Wen, Deyong and Chen, Yongsheng, Short-term wind speed and power forecasting using an ensemble of mixture density neural networks, Renewable Energy, 203, 2016
- Ji, Hua and Lien, Fue-Sang and Zhang, Fan, A GPU-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement for immersed boundary methods, Computers \\& Fluids, 131, 2015
- Wang, Bing-Chen and Yee, Eugene and Lien, Fue-Sang, Turbulent dispersion of a passive scalar in a staggered array of cubes, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 281, 2015
- Nam, JW and Lien, FS, Assessment of ghost-cell based cut-cell method for large-eddy simulations of compressible flows at high Reynolds number, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 1, 2015
In The News
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.