Peter Thompson, piano
4th year Music Honours
Featuring works of Gibbons, Schubert, Liszt, Scriabin, Messaien, and Charbier
Free admission. Everyone Welcome.
Reception to follow.
Peter Thompson, piano
4th year Music Honours
Featuring works of Gibbons, Schubert, Liszt, Scriabin, Messaien, and Charbier
Free admission. Everyone Welcome.
Reception to follow.
Candace Bustard, piano
4th year Music (Intensive Specialization) & Biology, Joint Honours,
Medical Physiology Minor
Featuring works of Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, and Scriabin
Free admission. Everyone Welcome.
Reception to follow.
Stephanie Collings, piano
4th year Music & Business, Honours Cooperative Program
Featuring works of Bach, Debussy, Ravel, Chopin and Prokofiev
Free admission. Everyone Welcome.
Reception to follow.
Few groups have been as impacted by Covid-19 as professional musicians, who have lost live performing opportunities. This concert series is an opportunity for them to shine in front of an audience, albeit online.
I Dewa Made Suparta is a musician, composer, and teacher born to a family of artists in Pengosekan, Bali, Indonesia. Immersed in Balinese gamelan from early childhood, he began performing with the children’s group of his village at age 10.
Musician: Mariette Stephenson, guitar
As a member of the Mennonite Song and Worship Committee, Anneli Loepp Thiessen has spent the past four years helping to choose hymns for the new "Voices Together" Hymnal. Sifting through over 10,000 pieces of music, the committee chose 775 finalists.
This concert will feature Robert Schumann's Symphonic Etudes Op. 13. Robert Schumann began writing his Symphonic Etudes in 1834. It consists of a series of studies which are written in the form of variations upon a theme by Baron von Fricken. The lyrical theme is heard at the beginning, after which a very imaginative and virtuosic sequence of variations begins.
Accompanied by renowned pianist Stephanie Mara, flautist Laurel Swinden will perform works to help celebrate International Women's Day which falls on Monday, March 8th. The composers include:
Florence Price
Valerie Coleman
Amanda Harberg
Cecile Chaminade
Elizabeth and Michael Lepock will be performing alternating solos from Austrian composer Hugo Wolf's Italienisches Liederbuch. Anna Ronai, a well known local pianist and our piano instructor will accompany them.