PharmD application process


Resources to get started

Plan when you will apply

  • The PharmD program is a second-entry professional program requiring that students first complete a specific set of courses at the post-secondary level.
  • Students can normally begin the application process during their second year of undergraduate studies.
  • An application submitted in fall 2024 will be considered for admission to the program in January 2026. The January 2026 PharmD application is closed.

Maintain your average

  • A minimum 75.0% cumulative average is a mandatory admission requirement.
  • Grades achieved in every post-secondary course you have taken and all course attempts will be included in the cumulative average.
  • Due to the rigorous nature of the PharmD curriculum, applicants must show evidence of taking a full course load during the majority of their undergraduate studies.
  • Applicants are encouraged to receive the numeric or letter grade value for all required courses and avoid opting for credit/no credit (CR/NCR) where this is permitted by their home institution.

Work toward completing all prerequisite courses

  • Students can complete the course requirements at any accredited post-secondary institution.
  • Use the Course Requirement Checklist (accessible PDF) to stay on track.
  • Applicants for January 2026 must work toward completing any remaining prerequisite courses by the end of the winter 2025 term to be considered eligible for consideration by the Admissions Committee.
75% minimum culmative average is needed across courses in Chemistry, Math, Humanities and Social Sciences, Biology and English

Consider adding a “recommended” course to your schedule

  • Faculty and current students of Waterloo’s PharmD program have put together a list of recommended courses that they believe will help future PharmD students achieve academic success.
  • If you have capacity in your schedule, consider adding: Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Organic Chemistry 2, Introductory Physics, Communication courses or certificates and/or Leadership courses or certificate.
  • Health Humanities courses make for great electives. Waterloo students can consider the SJU Health Humanities Diploma.

Build a relationship with a health professional

  • You will be asked to provide us with the name and contact information for a health professional of your choosing who is prepared to submit a reference on your behalf.
  • This health professional ideally would be a pharmacist, so that they can comment on your suitability for the profession. Alternatively, another health professional who can endorse your fit for pharmacy such as a physician or nurse may also act as your reference. 
  • Note: the individual is required to be a member of a regulated health profession.

Get involved in extra-curricular activities

  • Pursue a variety of activities to demonstrate your well-rounded background, such as: community service/volunteering; leadership endeavours; athletics; clubs; and/or hobbies.

Obtain pharmacy and other work experience

  • Acquire work and/or volunteer experience in a pharmacy setting to demonstrate your motivation for and insight into the profession of pharmacy. A competitive application would usually have 200 or more hours of pharmacy-related experience documented in its AIF submission.

  • In addition, full-time work experience is important in light of the PharmD program's focus on co-op education.

Register with Acuity Insights - Casper

  • Take the Casper test.
  • Input your Waterloo ID number on your Casper profile. If this step is not complete, your Casper scores will not be distributed to the School and your application disqualified for missing a requirement.
  • Casper test scores will automatically be transmitted to Waterloo, for applicants who have included their complete and accurate Waterloo ID number on their profile.

Deadlines will be 11:59 pm EST on the day posted if not otherwise stated with a specific deadline time.

Deadlines are non-negotiable and applicants should naturally infer that if they do not meet a deadline, their application will not be considered by the Admissions Committee (this applies to ALL deadlines posted and communicated).

The deadlines and requirements specified on this page pertain to the 2024/2025 PharmD admission cycle for January 2026 entry and are subject to change on an annual basis. Please ensure you review this website and check regularly for the most up-to-date information.

Stage 1

Stage 1 is an open call to all applicants to submit a variety of academic and non-academic components. See the detailed information below so you can ensure your application is complete and sent forward for consideration by the Admissions Committee.

  1. 2024
    1. Sep
      1. Wed Sept 25

        Application opens

        We will contact you within 1-2 weeks of receipt of application to provide you with your Waterloo ID number and next steps

  2. 2025
    1. Jan
      1. Wed Jan 8

        Application deadline  11:59 PM EST

      2. Tue Jan 21

        Last Casper test date

      3. Wed Jan 22

        AIF deadline  2:00 PM EST

    2. Feb
      1. Mon Feb 3

        Casper distribution deadline 

      2. Wed Feb 5

        Last day to submit Special Consideration Requests, Reference, Transcript(s), ELR (if applicable)   2:00 PM EST

    3. Apr
      1. Wed April 9

        Interview invitations and first-round refusals

Stage 2

Stage 2 is reserved for a select number of candidates invited by the School to participate in the interview weekend which is comprised of two virtual components: a live, synchronous interview and an asynchronous Fundamental Skills Assessment (FSA).

  1. 2025
    1. Apr
      1. Mon Apr 14

        Interview offer confirmation deadline   2:00 PM EST

      2. Thu April 17

        Virtual interview & FSA registration links distributed to applicable PharmD candidates

    2. May
      1. Fri May 2 to Sun May 4

        Virtual interview weekend

      2. Wed May 28

        Final transcript deadline   2:00 PM EST

    3. Jun
      1. Wed Jun 11

        Final admission decisions distributed

      2. Wed Jun 18

        Admission confirmation deadline   2:00 PM EST


Admissions eligibility

To be eligible for admission consideration into the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program, candidates must meet the following academic requirements:

  • Have obtained and continue to demonstrate a minimum 75.0% cumulative post-secondary average (Note: grades achieved in every post-secondary course and all course attempts will be included in the cumulative average calculation);

  • Have successfully completed, (or have a plan in place to successfully complete by the end of the winter term of the year for which application is made) a minimum of 8.0 FCE* of university level courses;

  • Have successfully completed, (or have a plan in place to successfully complete by the end of the winter term of the year for which application is made) an acceptable course for each required prerequisite listed below.

  • Have successfully maintained, a full course load (minimum of five lecture courses per term) of study throughout the majority** of time spent in undergraduate studies.

*FCE - Full-Credit Equivalent, 1.0 FCE = 2 term/semester course, 0.5 FCE = 1 term/semester course
**Minimum full course load guidelines: 2 years of study – 3 out of 4 terms; 3 years of study – 4 out of 6 terms; 4 years of study - 5 out of 8 terms

The above academic requirements must be minimally met in order for complete applications to be sent forward for consideration by the Admissions Committee.

Stage 1 requirements

Some exceptions may apply for Indigenous admission pathway applicants.

Required courses

Applicants are required to have an equivalent course for each of the prerequisites listed below. Course descriptions and codes listed are for the Waterloo examples of acceptable prerequisite courses. To see a list of examples of other acceptable courses at Waterloo and other Ontario universities (and a select number of Canadian Universities), view our Examples of Acceptable Courses web page.

Science and math

Detailed descriptions of the required courses listed below can be found on the Undergraduate Calendar.


  •  Introductory Cell Biology (BIOL 130)
  • Genetics (BIOL 239)*
  • Fundamentals of Microbiology (BIOL 240)*

*A full list of alternate 300- or 400-level BIOL courses can be found on the UW Biology course listing.


  •  Calculus 1 for the Sciences (MATH 127)
  • Introductory Statistics for Scientists (STAT 202)


  • Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter (CHEM 120 or CHEM 121)
  • Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics (CHEM 123 or CHEM 125)
  • Introductory Biochemistry (CHEM 237)
  •  Basic Organic Chemistry 1 (CHEM 266)

Science labs

  • Lab 1 – An Introductory Chemistry Lab (example: CHEM 120L or CHEM 123L)
  • Lab 2 – A Biology Lab (example: BIOL 130L)
  • Lab 3 – Any other Biology or Chemistry Lab


Any ENGL course that requires a significant amount of reading, critical thinking, analysis, and writing. The following are considerations when choosing a course to fulfil the English requirement:

  • The course must be offered by the English Department.*
  • Must have writing assignments, exclusive of exams, that comprise a minimum of 30% of the final course grade.
  • High school English courses (such as IB, AP or British A-level) cannot be used to satisfy this requirement, but instead may be used to fulfil one of the two half-credit Social Science/Humanities requirements.

*COMMST or Social Science/Humanities courses may be used to satisfy the ENGL course requirement, however the course must meet the criteria listed above. In addition, honour’s thesis and master’s thesis courses may also be considered for meeting the requirement.

Social Sciences and/or Humanities 

Any two Social Sciences and Humanities courses are required. The following are considerations when choosing a course to fulfil this requirement:

  • Courses should focus on society and how humans interact and develop as a culture. They should not focus on natural sciences, mathematics, computing, or finance.
  • Courses can be introductory (100-level) or advanced level (200+ level).
  • No more than one in English may be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • You may combine one term/semester of Humanities with one term/semester of Social Sciences, or two terms/semesters in the same discipline or subject area.

Transcripts (Stage 1)

Important notes

  • In Stage 1 of the Pharmacy application process, we do not require official transcripts to begin reviewing your application - unofficial documents will suffice.
  • For those currently in studies, a transcript must be submitted with final fall grades and winter enrolment.
  • Transcripts are required from all post-secondary schools attended.
  • High school transcripts are not required for admission (you can disregard the high school upload field in your Quest account). The exception is for students who received transfer credit for IB, AP or A-level courses. If you fall into this category, please upload an unofficial copy of your exam results to your high school upload link in Quest.
  • Current and former Waterloo students are not required to submit official transcripts because we have access to your Waterloo record (including any applicable transfer credit information).
  • Transcripts must be received by the Registrar’s Office before the deadline.
  • For directions on how to upload unofficial documents to Quest, please visit the How do I upload my application documents webpage.

English Language Requirement (ELR) - IF APPLICABLE

Please visit the University of Waterloo’s English Language Requirements webpage to determine if you are exempt from submitting an English language test. This webpage also details which test scores are accepted and the required minimums.   

Admission Information Form (AIF)

The AIF provides the Admissions Committee with insights into your personal qualities, extracurricular accomplishments, and motivation for a career in pharmacy.

How to complete the AIF

The Pharmacy AIF consists of 8 questions and is accessible by visiting the “Pharmacy” tab in the AIF, found in Quest.

We strongly encourage you to read through all the details below to complete the AIF.

Tips Before Beginning

  • You will want to use a laptop or desktop computer to fill out and submit your AIF, as mobile phones are not compatible with the platform.
  • Thoroughly read the instructions on the Welcome page and review Questions 1 to 8 on the Pharmacy tab. We recommend you write out a rough draft of your answers and save them for your records in a program such as Microsoft Word or OneNote.
    • Most pharmacy applicants will see only the Welcome and Pharmacy tabs. However, if you have previously applied to the University of Waterloo for an undergraduate program you may see the About You – Part A/B tabs on your Quest account, please disregard them and complete only the Pharmacy page.
    • If you have applied previously and cannot access this year’s AIF, please email for assistance.
  • Please be aware that no amendments can be made to the AIF after you submit it. All of your information should be correct and up-to-date before pressing the Submit button.

Tips When Completing Your AIF

  • The Save - Page in Progress button is available if you wish to save your answers and/or modify them. Note: the admissions committee cannot access your answers until you have pressed the Submit - Page Finished button.
  • When reporting pharmacy-related, non-pharmacy-related work experience and extracurricular activities:
    • If an activity is still in progress, you may leave the end date blank.
    • For Question 4, please disregard the Gr 10, Gr 11, and Gr 12 checkboxes. Instead, ensure to populate the start and end date of your activities for the Admissions Committee to consider.
  • When filling out the Course Equivalencies Chart:
    • All prerequisite courses must be accounted for, including courses you are currently enrolled in, or are planning to take in a future term. The grade field is mandatory and must be filled out for all courses listed or you will receive an error when you attempt to submit the form. You may input your grades in alpha or numerical format depending on how your institution reports them on your transcript.
      • If the course is in progress, input the grade as IP.
      • If you are enrolled in a course for a future term, input the grade as EN.
      • If you are missing a course, input the grade as NA.
      • LABS: If your institution grades labs separately from lectures, you may indicate this by using a slash (e.g. course code: BIOL 130/130L and grade: 75/95).
      • If you are using a course to fulfill two 0.5-unit electives, you may list the course in two rows.
      • If you are using a high school transfer credit to satisfy requirements, indicate IB, AP or A-level in the University column and input CR as the grade.
    • Note that if you wish to change any information previously saved in a chart, you must DELETE the row you wish to change and click SAVE. You then must ADD a new row at the bottom of the chart and click SAVE.
    • Please do not copy and paste information into these charts - you will receive an error message. If you receive an error, we recommend that you log out of Quest, clear your computer’s cache, log back in, and proceed with the deletion and addition of the row(s) in question.
  • For further guidance, please contact or visit the Waterloo AIF information web page.


The reference form serves to help the Admissions Committee understand the applicant’s suitability for a career in pharmacy.

A section within the AIF asks you to provide the name and contact information of one person who will serve as your reference. This individual is required to be a member of a regulated health profession.

References from pharmacists are likely to offer better insights into the applicant’s fit for the profession, and are therefore preferred. Those from other health professionals likely to be familiar with the role of pharmacists (i.e. physicians and nurses) are also acceptable, if they speak to the candidate's likely success as a pharmacist.

You must indicate one Reference Type when completing your AIF. When filling out the information for your reference, you do not need to use the Occupation pull-down menu items, as you have already chosen the Reference Type.

When you press the Submit – Page Finished button on the Pharmacy page, your reference will receive an email from Waterloo that will direct them to submit your reference by the deadline indicated in the admissions timeline. It is your responsibility to ensure your reference submits the online form by this deadline. If your reference has not received their reference email within 3 business days of submitting your AIF, please email  

Your references will receive a confirmation email after they have submitted the form (normally within 3 business days), and will be provided with an electronic copy of their letter.

When the reference form has been received, the Documents section of your Quest account will be updated to show its receipt (normally within 3 business days).

IMPORTANT: References must be submitted using the online reference system. Letters on stationery and hard copy forms are NOT acceptable. Relatives are not accepted as references.


Casper is an online, open-response, situational judgment test that takes 90-110 minutes to complete. All applicants are required to complete Casper as part of their application for the January 2026 admissions cycle.

You will register for: Casper 2 (CSP – 10211)

Casper measures different personal and professional skills that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of Waterloo’s PharmD program. It will complement the other tools we use for applicant review and evaluation, and we require Casper as part of our efforts to enhance fairness and objectivity in our selection process. 

Casper is administered by Acuity Insights.

How to sign up for Casper

  • Create an Acuity Insights account and register to complete Casper.
    • You will register for Casper 2 (CSP-10211) using your Waterloo ID number and a piece of government-issued photo ID.
      • Note: If you do not have a Waterloo ID number yet, you can start the process, but you will have to update your file with your accurate Waterloo ID number by the distribution deadline.
    • Please register with the email address you are using for your application and check it regularly, as there may be updates to the test schedule.
  • Select a Casper test date from the available testing dates and times, which have been approved in line with our admissions timelines. 
    • These are the only testing dates for applying to our program and no additional tests will be scheduled. 
  • Register for your test at least 3 days before your preferred test date and time to allow time to perform a system requirements check and take the sample test in your account. Last-minute bookings are not recommended.
  • Ensure you have selected University of Waterloo Pharmacy for distribution before the distribution deadline listed on the Dates and Fees page.

Technical requirements for Casper

To take the assessments, you will need a:

  • Valid email address (the same one you will use to submit your application).
  • Desktop or laptop computer, ideally using Windows or macOS.
    • Smartphones and tablets are not supported.
  • Working webcam and microphone.
    • Wired inputs or your computer’s built-in microphone are recommended.
  • Reliable high-speed internet connection with download speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 2 Mbps.

Learn more about technical requirements.


Applicants requiring testing accommodations to complete Casper should submit an Initial Request Form (Part 1 and 2) at least four (4) weeks prior to your scheduled Casper test date. 

Learn more about the accommodations policy.

Help with Casper

If you have any questions, please contact the Acuity Insights team via the chat bubble on the bottom right of your Acuity Insights account or the Casper site. You can also review their collection of Frequently Asked Questions.

Resources to help you prepare

*Acuity Insights is not affiliated with any test prep company, nor does Acuity Insights endorse any third-party services for preparing for Casper. Because Casper is designed to elicit authentic responses, applicants don’t need anything to prepare other than taking the free practice test in their Acuity Insights account or reviewing the information provided on the Casper site.

Stage 2 requirements

Interview and Fundamental Skills Assessment (FSA)

  • Select applicants will move to the second stage of the admissions process. These applicants will be invited to participate in a virtual interview and to complete a Fundamental Skills Assessment.
  • The assessment dates are pre-determined, and no exceptions will be made. Candidates are expected to be available as per the application timeline.
  • The virtual interview will be hosted live in a synchronous fashion using the Kira Talent online platform. Candidates will be interviewed by practising pharmacists and current pharmacy students in a panel-style interview. Candidates will be given a set date/time to participate in their interview. More details will be provided closer to interview weekend to applicants who were specifically selected and confirmed their interview offer.
  • The Fundamental Skills Assessment (FSA) is a separate component of the virtual interview weekend that will test for reading comprehension, written communication, and basic mathematical skills. This will be an asynchronous virtual assessment completed using the Kira Talent online platform. Candidates will be given a window of time to complete the FSA during the virtual interview weekend.

Transcripts (Stage 2)

  • Applicants who receive an invitation for an interview are required to submit an undated unofficial transcript at the end of the winter term.
  • Note: official transcripts are required if candidates receive an offer of admission. Without an official transcript on file, the admission offer will be “conditional” until official transcripts are received, processed, and confirmed.
    • An official transcript is a complete academic record issued by your educational institution/Ministry of Education and they are sent (electronic/mailed) directly to Waterloo’s Registrar’s Office by the appropriate agency. Transcripts that are emailed, faxed, and/or uploaded will not be accepted as official. 
  • For directions on how to upload unofficial documents to Quest, please visit the How do I upload my application documents webpage.

  • For sending an official document, you may select one of one of four options below:
    • Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC):  If you requested your transcripts through the OUAC (by checking “End of fall term”), you need not send/upload duplicate copies for the first transcript deadline. If you selected “End of winter term”, you will need to upload an unofficial copy to Quest (see ‘Upload an unofficial transcript’ below).  
    • MyCredsTM (if your school uses it): Waterloo is a registered organization with MyCredsTM. When sending transcripts through the MyCredsTM portal, please select "send my documents to a registered organization." Do not select "generate a link to my documents".
    • Mail official or unofficial documents to the Registrar’s Office, University of Waterloo mailing address. Our mailing address is:
      • Office of the Registrar
        University of Waterloo
        200 University Ave W

        Waterloo ON   N2L 3G1 CANADA
  • Note: If you received transfer credit for IB, AP or A-level courses and receive an offer of admission, you will be required to contact the examining board to request results be sent directly to UW’s Registrar’s Office.

Consider applying for accommodations

The University of Waterloo places a strong emphasis on equitable admissions practices as the foundation of our admission process. We recognize that each applicant is unique and may have faced exceptional circumstances or challenges that have influenced their academic journey.

Thank you for submitting your PharmD application!

We are excited you considered Waterloo’s PharmD program for your professional aspirations. See detailed information below so you can ensure your application is complete and sent forward for consideration by the Admissions Committee.

Once your application submission has been received, Waterloo’s Science Admissions Office will email you within 1-2 weeks. You will receive your Waterloo ID number as well as next steps and key contact information. However, all information about application requirements, deadlines, and key preparation steps are all made available in advance.

You may view the receipt of your AIF, transcripts, reference, and ELR through the Documents section of your Quest account. Casper test reports will automatically be transmitted to Waterloo and will not be visible on Quest. It is your responsibility to check to see that all of your documents have been received.

Activate your Quest account:

  • If you are a first-time applicant to Waterloo, you will need to activate your user ID and password which will allow you to use Quest.
  • Quest is the portal through which you will view your application status, submit your AIF, upload supporting documents, check the receipt of your transcript and reference letter, and change your personal contact information.
  • View instructions on how to create your Quest account.

Communications & Deadlines

  • All documents and communications must be received by the deadlines posted on the Application Timeline. Applications will not be put forward to the Admissions Committee for consideration if documents or communications are not received by the date and time specified on our web pages.
  • Include your full name and Waterloo ID number in all communications to Waterloo.
  • Ensure your email address is up-to-date on Quest. The majority of our communications to you will be via email. You will be responsible for all communications sent to the email address you have listed in Quest.
