Pushing the pharmacy profession forward
Pharmacy alum Stacey D'Angelo (Rx2012) boosts patient health by deprescribing meds, focusing on holistic health, mental well-being and personalized medicine.
Pharmacy alum Stacey D'Angelo (Rx2012) boosts patient health by deprescribing meds, focusing on holistic health, mental well-being and personalized medicine.
Nasal-administered naloxone is cost-effective and could help reduce the number of opioid-related fatalities compared to the current publicly funded intermuscular version, a new study has found.
Rosemarie Patodia and Leni Salgado (Rx2015) were one of six mentor and mentee pairs who participated in the 2023 alumni mentorship program.
Waterloo Pharmacy students co-ordinated an educational outreach initiative in the Waterloo community during March, Pharmacy Appreciation Month (PAM).
We sat down with professor Dr. Kelly Grindrod, who led the development of Ramadan resources for health care practitioners, to answer some frequently asked questions about medications and Ramadan. We also heard from our PharmD student Qamar Mobayed (Rx2026) about how she implemented Ramadan resources during her co-op work term.
University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy professor Dr. William Wong will receive $1.15 million in funding over the next five years for his highly focused research to help guide policy and decision-making to ultimately improve HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBI) care.
Waterloo’s clinical associate professor, Dr. Tejal Patel, has teamed up with QRxDigital to include QR codes on medication bottles that link to an instructional video that patients can view at home.
Kelsey Mar (Rx2025) was inspired by past student co-op work terms in Moose Factory to experience pharmacy in a rural setting herself.
This year’s Pharmacy Appreciation Month theme is “Experience the power of pharmacy” and recognizes the important contributions of pharmacy professionals. Our students are the future of pharmacy. We’re highlighting some of our Rx2025 student leaders and their experiences as Waterloo Pharmacy students.
Khrystine Waked (Rx2018) is a pharmacist at a family health team and an adjunct clinical assistant professor. She completed the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Residency Program in 2019, the second resident to graduate.