Professional return to work (RTW) coordination is increasingly seen as a solution to the management of complex health-related work absence. However, we know little about management of RTW for workers with common mental health disorders. Our research team, based at the University of Waterloo, examined how RTW coordinators approach, navigate and conclude these complex situations.
You are invited to join our workshop on consensus RTW coordination strategies for workers with mental health disorders. At this workshop, we will:
- Share our research findings on RTW Coordinator’s key strategies for managing RTW and mental health;
- Consider specific problems and ways to manage them;
- Discuss the content of a practical guide for stakeholders.
The workshop will be of interest to RTW practitioners, workplace professionals, insurer, workers’ compensation professionals, labour, and workers. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a developed understanding of how RTW coordination should proceed for clients with common mental health issues.
If you have any questions, please contact the project coordinator Katya McKnight at e2mcknight@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567, ext. 37031. You may also contact the study’s principal investigator, Ellen MacEachen at ellen.maceachen@uwaterloo.ca.
This is an independent University of Waterloo study that has received funding from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Grants Program. The investigators are Ellen MacEachen PhD (Principal Investigator), Elena Neiterman PhD, and Cindy Malachowski PhD. The study is supported by a Stakeholder Advisory Committee.