Have you had an exceptional teaching assistant (TA) in the School of Public Health and Health Systems?
Nominate them for the Teaching Assistant Excellence Award!
What do we want you to do?
We encourage you to nominate an outstanding TA by following this link to the Nomination Form. Please be sure and fill-out each of the fields on the form. You may nominate any student who served as a TA for a graduate or undergraduate course in the fall, winter, or spring term (only one nominee per person, please). Nominations are accepted from graduate and undergraduate students and faculty members; the winner will be selected based on the quality of these nominations. The award winner will be announced at the end of August. We would greatly appreciate having you take the time to nominate a TA who has positively impacted students' learning experiences.
If you have questions, please contact Professor Mark Oremus.
When is the deadline for nominations?
Nominations are due by August 20.
What are the criteria?
When evaluating the nominations, an award committee comprised of professors and graduate students will focus on the following criteria:
- Demonstrates a strong commitment to the overall learning, academic and personal growth of students;
- Exhibits clear communication skills during tutorials and office hours;
- Responds to e-mails in a timely manner;
- Provides thorough feedback on assignments;
- Discusses course material with intellectual rigor, enthusiasm and integrity;
- Has a favorable and significant influence on students;
- Shows sensitivity to the needs of students; and
- Demonstrates high-quality teaching and student learning, either in tutorials or in one-on-one meetings with students.
Nominees need not demonstrate evidence of success on all of the above criteria, but they should show evidence of success on at least two criteria. Typically, one award is given each year. In very rare instances, two awards may be given.
What should I write?
- Did your TA teach you in ways that made it exciting for you to come to tutorial?
- Did your TA make it easier for you to learn the course material? If so, then how?
- To what extent was your TA responsible for increasing your understanding of course material?
- What did your TA do to support student learning? Did they provide any mentorship?
- Did your TA provide clear, helpful feedback on assignments and exams?
- Was your TA able to communicate ideas clearly and effectively?
- How did your TA compare to other TAs that you have had?
Nomination information is confidential. Only award committee members will have access to your nomination.
Award Selection Committee
Mark Oremus
Vishaka Chetram
Student, SPHHS
Candidate, SPHHS