JEOL S/TEM operational and service now available

Monday, July 10, 2023

Photo of TEMThe Quantum-Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility (QNFCF) is pleased to announce that our new JEOL F200 S/TEM system is operational and we are rolling out S/TEM service to the QNFCF community.  This system was successfully installed in the QNC Metrology lab B709 this past March.  A description of the S/TEM and a plan for our roll out of S/TEM service is provided in this article below:

S/TEM equipment description

The JEOL JEM-F200 "F2" is a cold field emission transmission electron microscope. The system is equipped with a JEOL 100 mmsilicon drift detector (SDD) for EDS and a Gatan Continuum ER 1065 2k x 2k pixel EELS detector.  Some selected specifications for the system are as follows:

  • Non-abberation corrected, cold field emission gun (CFEG)
  • Minimum energy resolution of 0.3 eV or less at 200 kV
  • Brightness of 8x108 A/cm2 or better at 200 kV
  • Magnification range of 100x to 150,000,000x
  • Gatan 4k x 4k pixel OneView 1095 camera
  • Analytical capabilities:
    • JEOL 100 mm2 SDD EDS detector
    • Gatan Continuum ER 1065 2k x 2k pixel EELS detector

Select results from QNFCF staff work on this instrument are available in the gallery below:

Roll out plan

Stage 1 - Service requests only - July 10th 2023

Use the form TEM Service Requests to submit the details of your request for review. Requests submitted directly by email or without sufficient detail cannot be approved.

Members requesting service should be available to attend the TEM session to guide the work and confirm results.

Sample preparation should be arranged by the requester and full details must given prior to the request being approved.

Stage 2 - Training and service - TBD

Prospective trainees needing significant TEM resources over a prolonged time horizon (>1 year) and individuals who have previous TEM experience will be trained on a first come first served basis.    

Prospective trainees with no demonstrable long term TEM need are encouraged to pursue access through service requests.

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