Human research guidelines, policies, and resources - alphabetical list

Below are resources to guide your research and answer some common questions. 



Activities that require ethics review - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Adverse events - FDA reporting requirements

Adverse events - Health Canada reporting requirements

Adverse events - World Health Organization guidelines (pdf)

Anti-spamming law and guidelines - Waterloo IST guidelines

Autoethnographic research -guidelines for conducting research Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) guidelines (pdf)


Biological material, bio-banks, and bio-repositories - Waterloo ethics guidelines


Capacity to consent - Mental health and the law in Ontario, A practical guide (pdf)

Children and adolescents - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) best practices for health research

Classroom research - Waterloo ethics guidelines on research in classes and with students as study participants

Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of equipment/devices - Public Health Ontario best practices (pdf)

Clinical research protocols - Incorporating ethical principles into clinical research protocols: a tool for protocol writers and ethics committees

Clinical trial agreements when uWaterloo is the sponsor

Clinical trials - Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) requirements for research ethics oversight of biomedical clinical trials

Clinical trial definition - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Clinical trials or studies involving a drug, medical device, or natural health product - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Clinical trial requirements for registration - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Clinical trial reviews: A guide for ethics committees (pdf)

Clinical trial sponsors - Health Canada guidance document for clinical trial applications

Conducting research when participants are part of an organization/group - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Confidentiality and Privacy in Health Research- Canadian Institutes of Health Research 

Conflict of interest declaration - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Controlled acts and medical directives - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)

Course-based research vs. professional skill development - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Course projects - Guidelines for instructors and guidelines for students (pdf) - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Crowdsourcing - Waterloo ethics guidelines on using crowdsourcing and online panels in research


(Research) Data management in the Canadian context: a guide for practitioners and learners - e-book

Data management services for research - Waterloo Library guidelines

Data management resources from Digital Research Alliance of Canada

Data protection - Rules for the protection of personal data inside and outside the European Union (EU)

Data retention: Guideline on retention of study information and data - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Deception and partial disclosure - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Declaring a conflict of interest - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Declaration of Helsinki

De-identification guidelines - Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Demographics: Guidelines for Collecting Demographic Information from Study Participants - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Depositing Data: Guidance on Depositing Existing Data in Public Repositories - Panel on Research Ethics

Device and equipment safety review form - Safety Office

Direct and indirect identifiers (pdf)

Drugs, biologics, and natural health products


Equipment and device safety review form - Safety Office

Equipment and devices to collect bio-metric or physiological data - Waterloo ethics guidelines


First Nations Information Governance Centre - Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP) principles

First Nations Principles of OCAP - Understanding the First Nations Principles of OCAP: Our Road Map to Governance - YouTube


Gender and Health Institute, Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Gender and health, videos and webinars, Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Gender and sex infographic, Canadian Institute of Health Research

Gender & Sex in Methods & Measurement: Research Equity Toolkit: Tool #1: Determining and Communicating Eligibility (pdf)

Gender and sex, Learning about sex and gender video, Canadian Institute of Health Research

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidance for researchers and study coordinators

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines (pdf)

Good clinical practice - European forum

Good clinical practice - Health Canada adopted ICH guideline 

Good clinical practice -Guidance Document on how to apply to Health Canada Part C, Division 5


Health Research- Privacy and Confidentiality - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) 


Incidental and secondary findings - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Indigenous Peoples--Waterloo ethics guidelines on conducting research with Indigenous Peoples

Infection prevention and control - Public Health Ontario best practices (pdf)

Information consent letters: Guide to creating your letter - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Informed consent information sheet - Guidance for IRBs, clinical investigators, and sponsors

International human research protections, regulations, guidelines, and laws by country

International research - Waterloo ethics guidelines


Legal support to maintain researcher-participant confidentiality - Waterloo guidelines


Mass email and anti-spam law and guidelines - Waterloo IST guidelines

Medical device creation - Curriculum for progress

Medical device development - Things you need to consider

Medical devices - Health Canada

Medical devices in research - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Mental health and the law in Ontario, A practical guide (pdf)

Multi-jurisdictional research and research ethics review --Waterloo ethics guidelines

Multi-site clinical trial agreement


Newfoundland and Labrador Health Research Ethics Authority

Northern Canada research - Waterloo ethics guidelines


OCAP - Understanding the First Nations Principles of OCAP: Our Road Map to Governance - YouTube

Online panels - Waterloo ethics guidelines on using crowdsourcing and online panels in research

OHIPA and PIPEDA information - from McMaster University


Partial disclosure and deception - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Participant observation: Guidelines for ethical conduct - from University of Toronto (pdf)

Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), section 44, disclosure for research

Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), section 16, requirement for research plans

Personal Health Information- Use and Disclosure for Research and Broader Public Health Purposes (July 2021)

PIPEDA and OHIPA information - from McMaster University

Plain Language: Using Plain Language in Participant Materials - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Principal Investigator's Handbook

Privacy and Confidentiality- Health Research- Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Privacy: Principles and Best Practices for Protecting Participant Privacy (NIH)

Professional skill development vs. course-based research - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Protecting privacy in health research - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) best practices (pdf)

Protection of personal data - Rules for the protection of personal data inside and outside the European Union (EU)

Public Repositories - Guidance on Depositing Existing Data in Public Repositories - Panel on Research Ethics


Quality assurance or quality improvement projects - Waterloo ethics guidelines


Readability: Using Plain Language in Participant Materials - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Registering a clinical trial - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Remuneration to research participants - Waterloo finance policy

Research data management services - Waterloo Library guidelines

Research licenses in Northern Canada--Waterloo ethics guidelines

Responsibilities of the principal investigator or faculty supervisor - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Risks to researchers - Waterloo ethics guidelines


Safeguarding your research - Resources provided by a joint Government of Canada-Universities Working Group

Safe Harbor Standards - De-identification standards (USA)

Scientific merit review form - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Scholarly teaching guide - Waterloo Library

School boards in Waterloo region - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Secondary use of information for research purposes from the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans (TCPS2 2018)

Secondary use of information in health research (pdf) from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Secure file sharing using Sendit - Waterloo IST guidelines

Security of research participants' data - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Securing information - Waterloo IST guidelines

Securing information for research - Waterloo IST guidelines

Sensitive Data Guidance - Digital Research Alliance of Canada

Sex and gender infographic, Canadian Institute of Health Research

Sex and gender, Learning about sex and gender video, Canadian Institute of Health Research

Social media - guidelines for conducting research -Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) guidelines (pdf)

Social media--Research with Social Media Platforms (Panel on Research Ethics 2022)

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Stem cell research - Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) guidelines for human pluripotent stem cell research

Students as study participants - Waterloo ethics guidelines for instructors

Student information usages - University of Waterloo policy on access and release of student information

Students for research in post-secondary education - Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) guidelines on recruitment (pdf)

Survey administration at University of Waterloo

Survey panels - Guidelines for using survey panels in research

Survey research and applying the anti-spamming legislation

Survey research and need help? University of Waterloo Survey Research Centre


Top 10 problems that can delay your ethics application - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Travel and risk management - Waterloo policy


"Under the auspices": Research that requires ethics review - Waterloo ethics guidelines


Waterloo school boards - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Waterloo Wellington Research Ethics Board (WWREB) -Waterloo coordinated ethics review process - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Wilfrid Laurier University-Waterloo coordinated ethics review process -Waterloo ethics guidelines

Who needs to complete an application form? - Waterloo ethics guidelines

Women in clinical trials and analysis of data by sex - Health Canada guidance document on considerations for inclusion

Working alone - University of Waterloo guidelines

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