Future Students

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What I would tell my first-year self

Hi, I’m Alex, and I’m a current 2A Accounting and Financial (AFM) student! A little background about myself, I love plants, reading, and am an avid coffee drinker. There are many lessons I wish I could have told my first-year self, but here’s my chance to share what I’d consider the most important one: Celebrate the wins!

A current UWaterloo student offers tips for finishing high school strong and getting ready for university

 Hi! I’m Matt, and I have just entered my fourth year of the Honours Arts and Business program here at the University of Waterloo. I have worked at the School of Accounting and Finance in previous co-op terms, and have recently returned as a part-time employee. I wanted to take this opportunity to offer some tips for surviving the university application process.

With so many choices, how do you know which program is the right one?

Hi! My name is Matthew, and I’m an upper-year student in the Honours Arts and Business program at the University of Waterloo. I have worked in the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) as the Marketing and Recruitment Associate in my previous co-op work terms and have recently returned as a part-time employee. I recently wrote a blog that provided some tips about applying to university, but I wanted to expand on that and talk about how you can choose the right university and program for you. 

We know this is a nerve-wracking time, but don’t worry!

Hi! My name is Matthew, and I’m an upper-year student in the Honours Arts and Business program at the University of Waterloo. I’m also the School of Accounting and Finance’s Marketing and Recruitment Associate for this co-op term! As part of my job, I speak to a lot of students about the status of their applications, and I wanted to give you some insight into why you do not need to panic if you haven’t received an early offer of admission.

How to make the tough choice between the programs you’ve been admitted to

Hi! My name is Matthew, and I am an upper-year student in the University of Waterloo’s Honours Arts and Business program. I am also the School of Accounting and Finance’s Marketing and Recruitment Associate for this co-op term. As someone who had to pick between university programs a few years ago, I thought it would be helpful to give you some tips on how to choose between the multiple offers you might have.