Now that you’re in, what do you do now?

Congratulations! You’ve got an offer to the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program! But now that you’ve got your offer, what are the next steps? Here are a couple of things you should do after you’ve received your offer of admission!
1. Celebrate this big achievement
This is a big deal, and we hope you’re just as excited to join us at the School of Accounting and Finance as we are to have you join the AFM program!
2. Keep your grades up
Almost all offers come with conditions you need to meet, so you aren’t totally out of the woods yet. But if you got in, you must have a great work ethic and solid grades, so just keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll succeed!
The AFM program is one of those programs that have offer conditions. Review your Offer of Admission carefully to know what these are.
3. Take a look at housing options
You’ll need to decide where you’ll want to live when you start university! Personally, I loved my residence experience, and I recommend all first-year students to try it out! There are many different buildings you can live in — each delivering a different, but equally great, experience.
Learn more about residence at Waterloo
4. Plan out your courses
Take a look at all the required courses and start planning out your future terms! You can also take a look at the career specializations that you may like to take in your third year. Just keep in mind that while having a plan is good, plan to change your plan. For instance, once you get into your courses, you may find that another sareer Specialization would be more fitting for your interests. Just always keep in mind that you can change your mind and your plan, especially in the early years of your university career.
Sustainability and Financial Management (SFM) courses
5. Look into financial aid
School is expensive, we all know it. Take a look at the scholarships offered and apply for OSAP if you’re an Ontario student. If you’re not an Ontario student, search the government funded scholarships for your province or country. There a lot of ways you can finance your education, so be sure to use all the resources at your disposal!
Remember that scholarships are not the only way to finance your education. The AFM program is a co-op only program, meaning that you’ll be building your resumé with real-work experience as well as earning anywhere from $40K to $80K over your four co-op work terms.
Check out the full list of available scholarships
6. Accept your offer
The deadline to accept your offer is June 1st, 2022, so don’t let that date pass you by! It can be scary committing to something so big, but we hope you’re also looking forward to this new adventure at SAF.
Please note that the June 1st deadline may be different for out-of-province and international students.
7. Get AFM Ready
Starting university can be daunting, but we want to make it as easy as possible. Our AFM page has a ton of great information that will help you get ready for first-year, such as information on international experiences, clubs, fees, and more information on courses. You can also check out a vlog by one of our students, Natasha, which will show you a day-in-the-life of an AFM student.
If you’re getting ready to join our SFM program, check out our SFM page to learn about what you can expect! And feel free to take a look at the AFM links provided to get an idea of what being a SAF student is really like.
And that’s it! We can’t wait to see you on campus, and we wish you all the best as you enter your first year!