Lana Paton (BMath ’93) begins new chapter as SAF Advisory Chair
Learn more about The School of Accounting and Finance's newest Advisory Council Chair, Lana Paton.
Learn more about The School of Accounting and Finance's newest Advisory Council Chair, Lana Paton.
What is sustainability? Is it a trend, a buzz word or a real solution to many of the climate, economic and social issues we’re facing today?
With our inaugural Hub for Sustainability Integration Conference coming up next month, we sat down with expert Jennifer Roedding to help paint a clearer picture of how leaders can integrate sustainability into their businesses and see larger profits in the long run.
The School of Accounting and Finance's Student Venture Fund (SVF) had the honour of hosting University of Waterloo President Vivek Goel last week.
Researcher from the School of Accounting and Finance explores how nonmonetary factors impact contestant behavior and effort levels
Professor Cody Buchenauer (CPA, CA, MAcc ’14) is a School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) alum with a remarkable career journey. From a student navigating through co-op terms to an industry professional holding a role as senior manager at EY, Buchenauer is now a full-time faculty member as well as a member of SAF’s co-op and experiential learning team. Bridging academia and industry to guide current students’ career paths as a passionate educator, his journey is a testament to the impact of the co-op experience offered at SAF.
New research shows that team-based recognition can be effective in settings where performance is highly interdependent, and teamwork is essential to the company’s success.
With the fall term fast approaching, the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) is excited to welcome the incoming Class of 2028. There is a lot of preparation involved as students get ready for their first year of university. To help with this transition, a team of faculty members at SAF have created a series of modules to get students familiar with the technology requirements for SAF, as well as basic accounting and finance concepts.
Based on the emerging technology, this paper proposes a new method to measure the expected duration of competitive advantage for average adopters. This method is based on public data, such as google searches, press releases, book titles, and companies’ disclosures with respect to the technology. The method is very easy to implement.
The School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) is pleased to share that Jillian Adams has been awarded the Warren Ober Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student. This award is given to a University of Waterloo graduate student in the Faculty of Arts who has made significant contributions to teaching.
When Blake Phillips began his doctorate in finance in 2009, he was asked to declare a focus. With previous degrees in biology and forestry and an interest in conservation, he zeroed in on sustainable finance.