Waterloo Centre for Taxation in a Global Economy

Tax Research

The link between the accounting tax research community and participants in Canadian corporate tax policy is presently very weak. The Centre's main objectives are to support academic research focussed on taxation in a global economy and to disseminate that knowledge to tax professionals in corporations, governments and the intermediaries between the two.

The Centre:

  • enhances tax thought by supporting Centre researchers as they explore critical tax issues,

  • informs tax professionals, including those engaged directly in tax policy, by aggregating and disseminating academic research,

  • links Canadian tax researchers with global counterparts through academic partnerships

​Sponsors contribute to corporate tax thought through:

  • facilitating the goals of the Centre,
  • dialoguing with tax researchers and others in the Canadian and international tax environment,
  • supporting the SAF tax PhD program and international research collaborations,
  • participating in the development of tax research

​To achieve these goals, the Centre:

  • hosts annual tax policy symposia in Toronto (2020 dates are May 7th and 8th) 
  • facilitates biennial multinational tax research symposia, and
  • develops a variety of channels to disseminate academic research.

Tax Education

The Centre raises the standard of tax education in Canada through collaboration between tax academics and those who employ tax professionals.

The Centre:

  • identifies the knowledge and skills needed by young tax professionals entering the marketplace,
  • identifies the best practices to help students learn and develop, and
  • builds a national reputation for tax pedagogy.

​Sponsors contribute to tax education in Canada through:

  • identification of the knowledge and skills needed by new tax professionals,
  • supporting the development of course content, and
  • inspiring and supporting students who are interested in a career in tax

To achieve these goals, the Centre:

  • hosts periodic tax education symposia,
  • develops learning innovations and best practices, and
  • supports “Young Tax Professional” student groups.


Ken Klassen

Ken Klassen

E: kklassen@uwaterloo.ca
P: 519-888-4567, ext. 38550 

Associate Director

Deb Kraft

Deborah Kraft

E: dkraft@uwaterloo.ca
P: 416-844-9344

Research Activities

Tax Policy Research Symposium
Waterloo/Austin Global Research Symposium
Comments-Private Corporation Taxation Proposed Changes (PDF)

Education Activities

Tax Educator Conference
Young Tax Professionals
Teaching and Learning

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2021/2022 (PDF)
Annual Report 2020/2021 (PDF)
Annual Report 2019/2020 (PDF)
Annual Report 2018/2019 (PDF)


Canadian Tax Foundation
Chartered Professional Accountants Canada
Deloitte LLP
Ernst & Young
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Sponsors provide a 3 year commitment to fund the Centre.
Additional funds are sought from sponsors for particular events and activities.


Participating Faculty
Andrew Bauer, PhD, CPA, CA
Tisha King, PhD, FCCA, CPA, CGA
Ken Klassen, PhD, FCPA, FCA
Deb Kraft, LLM, MTax, TEP, CFP
David Lin, CPA, CA, TEP
Julie Robson, CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois)
Dan Rogozynski, MAcc, CPA, CA       
Kaishu Wu, PhD

Advisory Board
An Advisory Board has been established to provide input on direction and decisions. Each sponsor has a representative on this Board.

Every three to five years a review will take place to consider changes to the mandate, structure and leadership of the Centre.