October 21-26, 2020
How might we connect people and create a sense of ‘togetherness’ while protecting everyone’s privacy?
The uXperience | Think Privacy Design Jam brought together Jammers to create a Privacy Conscious Design Solution to bring people together. This Design Jam delivered five days of pre-recorded and live content with four days of team action. Think Privacy harnessed the power of experts from Rogers, BlackBerry, Media Smarts, and more to guide Jammers in developing a privacy-conscious design toolset.
View the winners and all submissions on DevPost.
Jammers competed to win $7,400 in prizes, including Apple AirPods and AirPod Pros, Blue Microphones, Ring lights and study from home packages.
1st place submission - Clubhouse
Clubhouse is a secure, online community platform for students to meet and interact with like-minded friends in an after-school club setting, which is supervised by teachers.
2nd place submission - Bondfire
Bondfire is a real-time interactive platform for isolated college students that builds meaningful connections through the power of storytelling.
3rd place submission - Secretum
Secretum is an open-source, decentralized social media platform FOR and controlled BY users. Our goal is to make digital activism safe and sustainable for everyone in COVID19 times and beyond.
Cat Coode | Binary Tattoo
Data privacy consultant and speaker

Cat Coode is the founder of Binary Tattoo, with a mission to help safeguard your data and protect your digital identity. Backed by two decades of experience in mobile development and software architecture, as well as a certification in data privacy law, Cat helps individuals and corporations better understand cybersecurity and data privacy. She specializes in Privacy Regulation Compliance and delivering privacy education seminars.
Cat is an engineer, speaker, consultant, author, and, above all else, a parent. Her motivation to help others was born out of her concern for her kids and our ever-changing digital landscape.
Matthew Johnson | MediaSmarts
Director of Education

Matthew Johnson is the Director of Education for MediaSmarts, Canada’s center for digital and media literacy. He is the author of many of MediaSmarts’ lessons, parent materials and interactive resources and a lead on MediaSmarts’ Young Canadians in a Wired World research project. As an acknowledged expert in digital literacy and its implementation in Canadian curricula, Matthew is the architect of MediaSmarts’ Use, Understand, Create: Digital Literacy Framework for Canadian K-12 Schools. He has contributed blogs and articles to websites and magazines around the world as well as presenting MediaSmarts’ materials on topics such as copyright, cyberbullying, body image and online hate to parliamentary committees, academic conferences and governments and organizations around the world, frequently as a keynote speaker. He has served as on expert panels convened by the Canadian Pediatric Society, the Ontario Network of Child and Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatric Services and others, consulted on the provincial curriculum for the Ontario Ministry of Education and been interviewed by outlets such as The Globe and Mail, BBC News Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, Radio Canada International and CBC’s The National.
Francis Szakacs | Rogers Communications
Lead Service Designer

Service design lead based in Toronto. During his 7 years long service design career, he started and built service design practices both in agency and in-house settings serving major telecommunications companies and banks in Europe and Canada. His passion for community building led him to co-found Service Design Drinks Toronto (sddtoronto.ca, 350+ members) and Service Design Budapest (500+ members). He believes participatory design and involvement are the best tools to design for complex organizations and problem spaces. If you are interested in what he is up to next, add him on LinkedIn or sign up to his mailing list at startservicedesign.com
Michael Schaus | Scotiabank Digital Factory
Lead Design Strategist

Michael is a Lead Design Strategist at Scotiabank’s Digital Factory. For 15 years, Michael has worked using narrative frameworks to unpack complexity into innovative communications, from feature films and interactive documentary to enterprise intranets and group facilitation.
Michael helps people see things differently, co-creatively drawing out different perspectives to understand the heart of challenges and guide groups toward a shared direction. Using strategic communication, narrative structure and storytelling backed by design, foresight and systems thinking methodologies, Michael bridges research and design by synthesizing, translating, and structuring insights and opportunities into something designers and other implementers can leverage into better products, services and tools. Michael holds an undergraduate degree in Marketing and Economics from Bishop's University, completed the Interactive Media Lab at the Canadian Film Centre and most recently completed a Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD University. Michael leads a portfolio focussed on trust and transparency, utilizing strategic foresight methods to generate possible futures of how the bank might ask for and exchange personal data in 2030.
Michael currently leads the development and implementation of an ethical framework for the Digital Banking Unit that frames an ethical choice as one that improves the trust relationship between the bank and the customer in the long-term.
Daniela Napoli | Carleton University
Ph.D. student

Daniela is a people-centred researcher who advocates for accessible and usable technology. Daniela has worked with Web Teams to manage and generate content, Human Factors Engineering teams to train new pilots, and UX Design Teams to solve problems with large tech companies and healthcare non-profits. Her journey started with an undergraduate degree in Media Studies from the University of Guelph. Her work became more focused on UX after attaining a Masters of Arts in Human-Computer Interaction at Carleton University. Now, Daniela’s work continues as she writes her Ph.D. dissertation focused on building prototypes to help people manage their security and privacy concerns without the need for a screen.
Claudiu Popa | KnowledgeFlow Foundation

Claudiu Popa, is a certified cybersecurity expert and principal risk advisor at Datarisk Canada, a division of Informatica Security that strives to commoditize advanced security solutions and make them accessible by small and mid-size organizations, their suppliers and the rest of their remotely working ecosystem. Claudiu is a frequent contributor to national media and author of a few books including The Canadian Cyberfraud Handbook, Managing Personal Information and The Canadian Privacy & Data Security Toolkit.
Anindita Bose | Managed Privacy Canada (MPC) and the KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation (KCF)
Privacy Advisor, Managed Privacy and KnowledgeFlow

Anindita Bose has an Honours Bachelor of Sciences and a Master of Information Studies from the University of Toronto. With a passion for all things related to privacy, cybersecurity, knowledge management and UXD, she is keen to lend her skills and experiences to a variety of organizations and initiatives. Currently, she is working for UHN’s Cyber Security Department, assists Dr. Ann Cavoukian and acts as a privacy advisor for Managed Privacy and KnowledgeFlow.
Sana Maqsood | Carleton University
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Sana Maqsood is a post-doctoral researcher at Carleton University. She has over 10-years of industry, government and academic experience in HCI, security, and web development. She is currently working on designing games and digital media to improve users’ awareness and mental models of security and privacy. Her latest project, a digital literacy game for tweens designed in collaboration with MediaSmarts has been deployed to over 300 Canadian elementary schools. She has also worked on designing novel authentication schemes for flexible displays, and evaluating their usability with end-users.
Walid Ibrahim | Rogers Communications
5G Lab and Partnership Manager

Walid is currently leading Rogers 5G Create Lab at Communitech as well as the University of Waterloo partnership coordinating both research and co-creation activities with Rogers for Business Customers. Walid is a passionate software development and innovation leader with more than 10 years experience working in technology development. Before joining Rogers, he was leading a team of software developers at Tulip Retail, a local KW start-up delivering retail software to enterprise customers. Prior to that, Walid spent 8 years of his career in the Aerospace industry with NAVBLUE, an Airbus Company most recently as an Innovation Portfolio Manager where he coordinated multiple R&D and co-creation activities with Airbus and Tier 1 global airlines worldwide. Walid obtained his undergrad degree in Computer Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt in 2006. He then moved to Canada and obtained a Masters of Computer Science from Western University in image processing and computer vision in 2009. He also completed his MBA degree specializing in Strategic Management and Innovation from Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Laurier in 2019.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wibrahim1/
Michael Accettura | BlackBerry
Senior Manager within the Enterprise Product Management team

15 years at BlackBerry leading the creation, design, and support for consumer and enterprise mobile products. Products include BBM (90+ million monthly active users), BBM Enterprise, BlackBerry Email, BlackBerry Protect, BlackBerry Content Filtering, and Twitter for BlackBerry.
Cat Coode | Binary Tattoo
Data privacy consultant and speaker

Cat Coode is the founder of Binary Tattoo, with a mission to help safeguard your data and protect your digital identity. Backed by two decades of experience in mobile development and software architecture, as well as a certification in data privacy law, Cat helps individuals and corporations better understand cybersecurity and data privacy. She specializes in Privacy Regulation Compliance and delivering privacy education seminars.
Cat is an engineer, speaker, consultant, author, and, above all else, a parent. Her motivation to help others was born out of her concern for her kids and our ever-changing digital landscape.
Claudiu Popa | KnowledgeFlow Foundation

Claudiu Popa, is a certified cybersecurity expert and principal risk advisor at Datarisk Canada, a division of Informatica Security that strives to commoditize advanced security solutions and make them accessible by small and mid-size organizations, their suppliers and the rest of their remotely working ecosystem. Claudiu is a frequent contributor to national media and author of a few books including The Canadian Cyberfraud Handbook, Managing Personal Information and The Canadian Privacy & Data Security Toolkit.
Anindita Bose | Managed Privacy Canada (MPC) and the KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation (KCF)
Privacy Advisor, Managed Privacy and KnowledgeFlow

Anindita Bose has an Honours Bachelor of Sciences as well as a Master of Information Studies from the University of Toronto. With a passion for all things related to privacy, cybersecurity, knowledge management and UXD, she is keen to lend her skills and experiences to a variety of organizations and initiatives. Currently, she is working for UHN’s Cyber Security Department, assists Dr. Ann Cavoukian and acts as a privacy advisor for Managed Privacy and KnowledgeFlow.
Kara Brisson-Boivin | MediaSmarts
Director of Research

Kara Brisson-Boivin, Ph.D., is the Director of Research for MediaSmarts. Kara is responsible for the planning, methodology, implementation, and dissemination of key findings from original MediaSmarts’ research studies as well as evaluations of MediaSmarts’ programs. Kara also holds an appointment as an Adjunct Research Professor in the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Carleton, University. Kara works with a number of academic partners on tri-agency funded research projects, private and public sector interest groups, and federal departments on online issues including; digital parenting, privacy, hate, misinformation, activism, and algorithms and artificial intelligence. Kara brings to MediaSmarts extensive publication experience in academic journals, magazines, news op-eds and research blogs; and a background in presenting research to key stakeholders on parliamentary committees, at academic conferences, invited talks, panels, keynote addresses, and in media interviews.
Karin Schmidlin | University of Waterloo, Carbonlabs
Lecturer at Waterloo, co-founder of Carbonlabs

Karin Schmidlin, teaches User Experience at Waterloo’s Stratford School of Interaction Design & Business and is the co-founder of the design strategy firm, Carbonlabs. She earned her Master of Digital Media (MDM) at the Center for Digital Media in Vancouver and liked to surround herself with smart and engaged people and strong black coffee.