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Jonathan Baltrusaitis

Instructor (he/him)
Jonathan Baltrusaitis
Contact for: GBDA 201 - Digital Media Project
Link to profile: Jonathan Baltrusaitis

Dr. Karen Cochrane

Assistant Professor
Karen Cochrane

Dr. Karen Cochrane's scholarly pursuits in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) revolve around creating wearable and tangible computing prototypes in mental health and accessibility. These designs serve a dual purpose: firstly, fostering constructive coping strategies for mental health and overall well-being; secondly, crafting assistive technologies for the disabled community. Dr. Cochrane’s interests delve into the nuanced realms of soma design, autoethnography, and design fiction, all geared toward understanding both the needs of academics and underrepresented communities. This understanding of lived experiences enhances the development of robust prototypes and design methods within the HCI field, empowering these communities.

Dr. Kim de Laat

Assistant Professor | Organization and Human Behaviour (she/her)
Kim de Laat
Contact for: GBDA 204

Tabatha Dominguez

Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies, Definite-term Lecturer
Tabatha Dominguez
Location: DMS 2128
Link to profile: Tabatha Dominguez

Dr. Daniel Harley

Assistant Professor (he/him)
Daniel Harley Headshot
Location: DMS 2124
Contact for: GBDA 101, GBDA 203, DEI 613 and DEI 616
Link to profile: Daniel Harley

Brubey Hu

Location: DMS 2018
Contact for: GBDA 101 Intro Digital Media Design

Miguel King

Definite Term Lecturer | School of Accounting and Finance
Miguel King
519-888-4567 x41324
Location: HH 383J

As an educator, Miguel King is committed to teaching excellence and student engagement. His teaching background spans 17 years including high-school teacher, teacher-trainer, college instructor, and currently a lecturer at the university level. Additionally, his professional background includes working as an Assistant Registrar at a multi-national testing agency, and as a Junior Psychometrician at the Canadian Securities Institute where he managed a highly effective team of test developers in authoring and analyzing some of the largest financial services exams used across the nation. Miguel currently teaches Business Communication at the university level, combining years of teaching and industry experience to prepare students for excellence in written and oral communication in higher education and beyond.

Miguel has adopted a very student-focused pedagogy. He believes that when he meets struggling students where they are and helps them to develop a healthy relationship with failure, those students can begin to reach their full potential. Miguel also appreciates the unique challenges facing Canada’s large international student population. As an Applied Linguist and certified TESOL practitioner he can identify linguistic barriers and help his students overcome them so they can better focus on content. This highly-rated educator is currently co-authoring an open educational resource textbook to make Business Communication even more accessible for students.

Dr. Cayley MacArthur

Assistant Professor, on leave (she/they)
Cayley MacArthur headshot
Location: DMS 3012
Link to profile: Cayley MacArthur

Dr. Ville Mäkelä

Assistant Professor (he/him)
Ville Mäkelä headshot
Location: DMS 2008
Link to profile: Ville Mäkelä

Dr. Noorin Manji

Assistant Professor (she/her)
Noorin Manji
Link to personal webpage: Dr. Noorin Manji

Greg McIntyre

Digital Media Manager/Instructor (he/him)
Greg McIntyre headshot
519-888-4567 x23030
Location: DMS 1016
Contact for: GBDA and MDEI Lab Instruction, Social Marketing, Website
Link to profile: Greg McIntyre

Dr. Christine McWebb

Professor (currently Associate Vice President, Faculty Planning and Policy)
Christine McWebb Headshot
Location: NH
Link to profile: Christine McWebb

Chris Moorehead

Contact for: GBDA 402

Dr. Lennart Nacke

Associate Director, Graduate Studies and Professor (he/him)
Lennart Nacke, PhD
Location: EC1 1309 (Games Institute) / DMS 3012
Contact for: Grad Studies, Stratford School
Link to profile: Lennart Nacke, PhD
Link to personal webpage: Dr. Lennart Nacke

Terry O'Neill

Instructor (he/him)
519-888-4567, ext. 23011
Location: DMS 2018
Contact for: GBDA 101 - Introduction to Digital Media Design, GBDA 413 - Special Topics in Design, FINE 204 - Special Topics

Zhe Peng

Zhe Peng
Contact for: GBDA 303 Data and Society

Dr. Sebastian Siebel-Achenbach

Definite-term Lecturer (he/him)
Sebastian Siebal-Achenbach
519-888-4567, ext. 36135
Location: DMS 3128

Jessica Thompson

Director and Associate Professor (she/her)
Jessica Thompson
519-888-4567 x23008
Location: DMS 3122
Link to profile: Jessica Thompson

Dr. Jennifer Whitson

Associate Professor, Stratford/Sociology and Legal Studies (she/her)
Jen Whitson
Location: DMS 2014
Contact for: GBDA 302; GBDA 402
Link to profile: Jennifer R. Whitson
Link to personal webpage: Dr. Jennifer Whitson

Vivian Yang

519-888-4567 x23028
Location: DMS 3008
Contact for: GBDA 205; GBDA 305; GBDA 401
Link to profile: Vivian Yang

Dr. Leah Zhang-Kennedy

Assistant Professor (she/her)
Leah Zhang-Kennedy
Location: DMS 3126
Link to profile: Leah Zhang-Kennedy
Link to personal webpage: Dr. Leah Zhang-Kennedy

Dr. Will Zhao

Assistant Professor | Organization and Human Behaviour (he/him)
Location: DMS 3124

Will Zhao is an Assistant Professor of Organization and Human Behavior at the UW Stratford School, and a passionate interdisciplinary researcher focusing on Innovation. He earned his Ph.D. from the French Grande Ecole EM Lyon Business School and pursued his postdoctoral research at Stanford University as a SCANCOR scholar. Before joining UW Stratford, Will taught for five years at an AACSB-accredited Canadian business school, where he received his first promotion to tenured associate professor and won several teaching and research-related awards at both faculty and university levels.

Will is a passionate advocate of Human-Centered Innovation Research (HCIR), which underscores the crucial role of humanistic values in driving innovation across various domains. To further his interdisciplinary investigations, Will integrates multimodal analysis into his methodology, leveraging both semio-discursive approaches and artificial intelligence techniques. This unique blend has resulted in scholarly contributions published in reputable journals across business, education, engineering, and interdisciplinary studies.

As a research supervisor with UW Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (ADDS) status, Will enthusiastically welcomes inquiries from prospective Master's, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral researchers who share an interest in boundary-spanning research into Innovation, especially where it intersects with Organization, Education, Entrepreneurship, Multimodal Analysis, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, and/or Semio-discursive Approaches. Will looks forward to working with students in an inclusive and collaborative environment to jointly explore new frontiers in understanding and fostering innovation across disciplines.

Link to profile: Will Zhao

Vib Soundrarajah

Contact for: GBDA 228 - Digital Imaging for Online Applications

Dr. Tobias Thielen

Instructor - DEI 614 - Principles of Marketing in a Globalized World