International Exchange

Going abroad can add value to your degree by supporting the development of new skills, building your international network and expanding your views and opportunities.

Over 50% of our Global Business and Digital Arts students pursue a term abroad in either their first study term of year 3 or their first study term of year 4.

Am I eligible to go on exchange and when can I go?

GBDA students who obtain both a 70% minimum average in their major and 70% minimum overall and have completed 2 years university by the time of exchange are eligible to participate. Do note: Some of our exchange programs require language background. You may want to consider taking a language course prior to your exchange.

As a participant in the exchange program, you will be trusted to act as a representative of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Waterloo. Accordingly, the Faculty of Arts has the final decision on whether to endorse a student for exchange, taking a student's academic and non-academic record into account.

  • The application may not be endorsed or your nomination to the Host University may be revoked prior to the exchange term if academic performance suggests a student is unlikely to be successful on exchange.
  • Unprofessional conduct or behaviour, including any history of academic or non-academic misconduct, may result in your application not being endorsed or your nomination to the Host University may be revoked prior to the exchange term.
  • For any questions, please contact the Arts Academic Integrity Co-ordinator at

Please see the Go Abroad website to learn more about how an exchange can complement your degree →

*Students begin the Go Abroad process in second year (2A).

Remote video URL

The Process

The GBDA Go Abroad process is a collaboration facilitated between the Stratford School, the Student Success Office and your host university. Please refer to the following information regularly.

Go Abroad Opportunities

Third Year

If you want to go in 3A, all study abroad and exchange opportunities offered by the Faculty of Arts are available to you, providing the semesters line up with our own. In addition, here is a list of schools that previous GBDA students have attended and courses they have taken. This can help you determine a school you might be interested in.


Akita International University Exchange, Japan CCS140 Career Design

City University of Hong Kong CS1303 Introduction to Internet and Programing

City University of Hong Kong GE1206 - Accelerating Professional Growth on the Web

City University of Hong Kong GE1220 - Enhancing Your Service Leadership for the 21st Century

City University of Hong Kong GE 1225 Become a Smart and Responsible Consumer

Dauphine (France) I0LS20 Energy and Climate Change Economics

Dauphine (France)  I0LT22 Introduction to European Business Law

Dauphine (France)  I0LT23 Eurpoean Institutions

Dauphine (France)  I0MT11 Economics for non-economists

Dauphine (France)  FLE A2: General Course

Nanyang Technological University Exchange AB1301: Business Law

Nanyang Technological University Exchange DF2001 Film Editing

Nanyang Technological University Exchange DF2005 Writing for Film

National University of Singapore Exchange GES1005 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past & Present

National University of Singapore Exchange SE2225 Forbidden Pleasures: Vice in Southeast Asia

University College of London POLS 6001B - Introduction of British Politics

University College of London POLS 6006B - Politics of the European Union

University College of London PSYC3108A Organisational Psychology

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 13165 Commercial Law

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 13453 Structure Of The Media System

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 13507 Spanish History 20th Centruy

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 13650 Econometric Techniques

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 14359 Information Skills

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 16634- Human Rights

University of Dundee Exchange AC11001: Introduction to Software Development

University of Dundee Exchange BU 30015: Human Resources

University of Leeds Exchange SPPO 2010 Practiccal Language Skills in Spanish 2

Fourth Year

Please connect with your Academic Advisor to explore options regarding exchange partners.


SEPTEMBER – Information Session
Starting in September of your 2nd year, the Student Success Office will share a pre-recorded mandatory information session available in LEARN. This session will provide an overview of the timeline, mandatory dates and milestones and offer additional points of contact. More information about the session will be posted in the last week of September by the Student Success Office. 

OCTOBER – Applications open (Deadline is October 31st)
The Student Success Office (SSO) typically opens applications at the start of October. You have until October 31st at 11:59pm EST to complete the application on Waterloo Passport.

FEBRUARY (midmonth) - Stratford Onboarding Session
You should attend an on-boarding session held in Stratford. At this session, you will get instructions on course selection.

MARCH - Panel Discussion
A panel discussion during a lunch period in Stratford. This panel will feature those who studied abroad the year prior and will speak about their experiences. The info session will conclude with a 15-minute Q&A.


The course selection process is done in collaboration with the Stratford Associate Director of Undergraduate (ADA), and not the SSO. The Stratford ADA will send out instructions including an excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) in mid-February.

While abroad, you are permitted to take a wide variety of courses. It is recommended that you use this time abroad to take courses that will help you specialize in your area of interest. This could be in business, UX, design, etc. You are not permitted to take courses you have already taken or will take in the GBDA program. You must select courses that are different from these courses. Please select several courses *before going*, and submit these courses to the Associate Director of Undergraduate for approval.

You are asked to pick twice the number of courses that you need in case you are not able to enroll in some of your first choices due to time conflicts etc.

The course approval process happens between the Stratford ADA and the individual student. Any questions regarding this process can be answered by your ADA.


When on exchange, you will pay tuition fees to the University of Waterloo, equivalent to 2.5 credits per term, rather than to the exchange university.

  • If you are going in 4A you take the equivalent of 2.5 credits abroad.

Once you are approved for study abroad, you will be enrolled in 365 or 465 by the registrars office. You are *not* responsible for signing up for these courses.

The courses taken during the exchange can be credited toward your Waterloo degree (subject to academic approval). Generally, successful completion of courses abroad means a minimum grade of 60% or C/C- in the course to fulfil your academic requirements.

All acceptable grades received from international courses will appear only as "credits" on your Waterloo transcript. The transfer credits will be assessed upon successful completion of your exchange (generally 2 to 4 months following the end of your term abroad).

The University of Waterloo offers financial aid and scholarships to help you finance your study abroad experience.


Go Abroad is facilitated by the Stratford School, the Student Success Office and the host university. To ensure your questions are answered with most efficiently and accurately, please refer to the list below to determine to whom your questions need to be directed.

Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies

What courses can I take?
While abroad, students are permitted to take a wide variety of courses. It is recommended that you use this time abroad to take courses that will help you specialize in your area of interest. This could be in business, UX, design, etc. Students are encouraged to benefit from this time abroad and take cultural courses relating to your host Country.

What courses can’t I take?
Students are not permitted to take courses they have already taken or will take in the GBDA program. Students must select courses that are different from these courses. Students must select a number of courses before going, and submit these courses to the Associate Director of Undergraduate for approval.

How do I ensure that I am taking the proper amount of courses that equal to 2.5 or 2.0 U of W credits?

Student Success Office

How many courses should I take at the host university?
Before you contact the SSO, refer to the Arts Destination website. If you have any questions, then contact the SSO.

How do I calculate ECTs?
Before you contact the SSO, refer to the Arts Destination website. If you have any questions, then contact the SSO.

Do I need a VISA for this country?
Your host university will send you visa requirements. It is also your responsibility to do this appropriate research.

Host University

I have a question about the content on your website.
Speak with your academic advisor,

I have a question about class schedules?
Speak with your academic advisor,

This information is representative of the 2023 academic year.