At the 2012 Spring Convocation the graduate degrees were awarded to Applied Math students.
- Anton Baglaenko ("Simulating Lake Dynamics: The Effects of Bathymetry and Bottom Drag")
- Dale Connor ("The Discontinuous Galerkin Method Applied to Problems in Electromagnetism")
- Zhao Jin ("Application of repetitive control to the lateral motion in a roll-to-roll web system")
- Drew Lloyd ("A Mathematical Model of the Bag-Cell Neuron in Aplysia Californica")
- Christopher Morley ("Pricing CPPI Capital Guarantees: A Lagrangian Framework")
- Nazgol Shahbandi ("Interaction of Brain Cancer Stem Cells and the Tumour Microenvironment: A Computational Study")
- Yufang Hao ("Generalizing Sampling Theory for Time-Varying Nyquist Rates Using Self-Adjoint Extensions of Symmetric Operators with Deficiency Indices (1,1) in Hilbert Spaces")
- Raluca Jessop ("Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of Hopfield Neural Networks with a General Distribution of Delays")
- Matthew Johnston ("Topics in Chemical Reaction Networks")
- Wai Man Ng ("Energy Shaping on Systems with Two Degrees of Underactuation")