Applied Math Colloquium | Eugene Kolomeisky, Coulomb Universe in a Jellium Droplet

Thursday, September 19, 2024 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

MC 5501 


Eugene B. Kolomeisky, Department of Physics, University of Virginia


Coulomb Universe in a Jellium Droplet


We show that the spatially homogeneous and isotropic evolution of a macroscopic Coulomb system of identical particles obeys equations that have the structure of the cosmological equations of the general theory of relativity.  There is a Hubble law, and the background charge (if present) mimics the effect of a negative cosmological constant.  Specifically, Coulomb explosions mimic the non-singular open cosmologies in negatively curved spaces, while breathing modes in conductors model oscillatory universes including the anti-de Sitter space.