Petar Simidzija | Institute for Quantum Computing , University of Waterloo
Correlation and Communication via a Quantum Field
We study the ability of qubit detectors to i) extract correlations from, and ii) transmit quantum information through, a quantum field.
We start by perturbatively studying the harvesting of correlations from thermal and squeezed coherent field states. We find that an increase in field temperature is detrimental to entanglement harvesting, but beneficial to mutual information harvesting. We also show that entanglement harvesting is independent of the field's coherent amplitude --- which we relate to fundamental results regarding the entanglement structure of coherent field states --- but strongly dependent on the field's squeezing amplitude. We conclude by analyzing the practical feasibility of entangling qubits using squeezed field states.
We then go on to study, non-perturbatively, the entanglement extraction by targets A and B from a quantum source S. After proving a general no-go theorem which applies for any A, B and S, we apply this theorem to the entanglement harvesting setup to prove that a wide class of i) degenerate, or ii) point-in-time coupled, detectors cannot harvest entanglement from any field state. We also discuss the role of communication in the process of entanglement extraction, and we end the chapter by presenting the simplest successful example of a non-perturbative entanglement harvesting protocol.
We conclude by studying the ability of flat spacetime observers Alice and Bob to transmit quantum information through a quantum field. We construct a perfect, field-mediated quantum channel, each use of which allows Alice to transmit a full qubit of information to Bob. This construction provides us with an understanding of how quantum information propagates through a relativistic field, which we find to be consistent with our understanding of the strong Huygens principle. Lastly, we analyze the possibility of simultaneously broadcasting a quantum message through a quantum field to multiple receivers, and discover severe fundamental limitations to such a setup.