Recent graduate students, undergraduate and postdoctoral researchers

Graduate students:

C. Adlam (Ph.D., current), Invariant characterization of the separable webs for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation on spaces of constant curvature, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dalhousie University (co-supervised with R.G. Smirnov).

M. Chanachowicz (Ph.D., 2008), On the classification of the R-separable webs for the Laplace equation in E^3, Department of Physics, University of Waterloo (co-supervised with R.B. Mann).

C. Adlam (M.Sc., 2005), A Lie group theory approach to the problem of classification of superintegrable potentials in the Euclidean plane, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dalhousie University (co-supervised with R.G. Smirnov).

S.N. Smith (Ph.D., 2002), Symmetry operators and separation of variables for the Dirac equation on curved space-times.

A.T. Bruce (M.Math., 2000), On the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation by the method of separation of variables.

C.-K.K. Chu (M.Math., 2000), Contributions to the study of the validity of Huygens' principle for the non-self-adjoint scalar wave equation on Petrov type D space-times (co-supervised with S.R. Czapor).

Undergraduate research assistants:

R. Deeley (May-August 2003), Characterization of the separable webs on the sphere.

J.T. Horwood (May-August 2003), Characterization of the separable webs in Euclidean space.

D. The (May-August 2001), Characterization of the separable webs in the Euclidean plane.

Postdoctoral researchers:

C.M. Chanu (July-August 2003, March 2007), R-separability of the conformally invariant Laplace-Beltrami equation.

L. Fatibene (March-June 2002, September-December 2005), Separability of the Dirac equation.

R.G. Smirnov (NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998-2000), Hamilton-Jacobi completely integrable systems.