Graduate Student Seminar | Richard Lopp, Seminar 2: The Multipolar Hamiltonian and Quantum Delocalization

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Zoom: please contact amgrad@uwaterloo for the meeting link



Richard Lopp | University of Waterloo


Seminar 2:  The Multipolar Hamiltonian and Quantum Delocalization

Please note: this is apart of the seminar series, Light and AtomsSeminar 3 will follow on April 21st.


We will derive the multipolar Hamiltonian and study the influence of quantum delocalization and atomic motion. We will analyze in what regimes different degrees of approximation of light-matter interactions in quantum optics and relativistic quantum information are reasonable and in what cases they need to be refined to capture the features of the light-matter interaction. This is particularly important when considering the quantum nature of the atomic center of mass.