Adapting and thriving: Lessons from Siggi Gudmundsson's diverse career journey

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About Sigurður (Siggi) Guðmundsson

Sigurdur (Siggi) Gudmundsson has over 50 years of experience in various jobs. Siggi has leveraged his planning education as a generalist to make meaningful contributions in the fields of regional development, finance and economic development, climate issues , PR and more. Still working, or as he says “going to work” at the age of 74, Siggi has learned learned how to be nimble, pivot, and followed opportunities to build his career.

Key takeaways

  • Go down every road you think is interesting.
  • Don't have tunnel vision.
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Keep on reading and learning.
  • Keep your options open.

Contact information

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