Dream, Girl

The Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo is delighted to feature Dream, Girl, a film that tells the stories of amazing female entrepreneurs to inspire the next generation of leaders.
Screenings of Dream, Girl will be hosted in Waterloo and in Toronto.

Remote video URL

Register for one of the following screenings:

  • Waterloo screening on November 4, 2016
  • Toronto screening on November 7, 2016

Have a question for the Q&A? Submit your question and we'll share it with Komal.

About Dream, Girl

"There's a moment in your life when you know you're destined for something greater. There's a force pulling you to create, explore, build, and lead. There's no map to guide you, no blueprint to help you navigate, just a tiny voice inside of you, telling you to dream, big.

Woman are starting 1,200 businesses a day. Dream, Girl tells their stories."

Erin and Komal with another person.

Director Erin Bagwell (left) and producer Komal Minhas (right).

Producer Komal Minhas completed the Social Innovation (SI) Graduate Diploma at the University of Waterloo in 2014. After seeing director Erin Bagwell's call for aid on Kickstarter, she reached out to help and the two have never looked back.

In May 2016, Dream, Girl premiered at the White House, followed by it's world premiere in New York.

The women’s revolution has been in motion for a long time. We’re here to add our fuel to that fire, and show women they have the power to change the world. – Erin Bagwell