Welcome ERS Class of 2011
Alumni Weekend is a special time for all University of Waterloo alumni to reconnect, reminisce and revisit campus - virtually, of course. This year is even more special as we celebrate your 10-year class reunion!
Please note: We have also invited many classmates who graduated in 2012 from the co-op stream. If you are in touch with anyone from either year, please share the news!
Dean Jean's Alumni Weekend Jeopardy | 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Join us for a warm welcome to your Alumni Weekend with Dean Jean Andrey. Connect with friends and classmates, enjoy a virtual video tour of the Faculty of Environment, find out what’s new in the Faculty and test your trivia knowledge playing along with Dean Jean’s infamous Jeopardy.
Faculty of Environment Student Showcase | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Join us for an informative and interactive session featuring short videos from nine incredible Faculty of Environment students showcasing their research and entrepreneurial projects. From remote sensing of Arctic snow to Crime convergence and the illegal wildlife trade to an organic plastic waste disposal solution that utilizes bioreactor technology and much more. You’ll have a chance to ask questions and get to know some of the passionate and creative students shaping our sustainable future.
Class of 2011 Milestone Reunion | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Join your Class of 2011 (and co-op 2012) classmates from Environment and Resource Studies, Geography, Planning and other programs for a virtual 10-year reunion celebration. It's a chance to reconnect, catch up, play some games to win some prizes and raise a glass to the people who shared your journey and helped make you the person you are today. Spread the word and join us!
Class Giving
In honour of your 10-year class reunion, please consider making a one-time, recurring or pledged gift when you register. Philanthropic support helps students buy books and pay tuition and gives them the most valuable gift of all – the gift of time; time to focus on their studies and to pursue extracurricular and volunteer experiences that enrich student life. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more.