Tuesday, October 10, 2023 12:00 pm
1:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)

October 10 | 12 - 1 pm | Online webinar
A professional graduate program provides you with specialized, practical understanding and skills in a specific area of knowledge. The Faculty of Environment has six professional master's degrees that vary in delivery, duration and subject matter.
- Master of Environment and Business (MEB)
- Master of Future Cities (MFC)
- Master of Planning (MPLAN)
- Master of Climate Change (MCC)
- Master of Development Practice (MDP)
- Master of Economic Development and Innovation (MEDI)
Join this webinar to learn more about the Faculty of Environment's professional graduate programs. We will speak on the advantages of this type of degree, the possible career paths after graduation, and the steps necessary to apply.
Event registration
Registration for this event is now closed. If you would like to be sent a recording of this webinar, contact env-grad-info@uwaterloo.ca.