Green Finance: Bridging a passion for sustainability with career opportunities

Lovey Sidhu Banner

About Lovey Sidhu

After working in insurance and risk consulting for the first few years of my career, I found myself craving more impact and being drawn back to my roots in sustainability. As I began to research and reach out to sustainability leaders within my network, I soon built the desire to pursue a career in sustainable finance despite not having a formal finance background.

It became clear to me that finance would play a critical role in addressing environmental and social challenges by deploying capital to solutions which support the transition to a more sustainable and equitable society. In 2019, I joined Mercer's Global SI consulting team with the intention to drive change from the board room on sustainability and climate.

Over the last few year, I have built a strong foundation for integrating ESG considerations in investor policies, processes, and portfolios. My area of interest is in climate and natural capital issues. This interest comes from my core belief that in order to avoid the worst of climate change, reaching net zero emissions through sustainable development is critical and without protecting natural capital, we cannot meet those net zero goals.

Key takeaways

  • Always remain curious.
  • Connect ideas across disciplines.
  • While passion is important, finance values pragmatism.
  • Invest in learning fundamentals of finance and how sustainability can be integrated across the value chain.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge and experience.
  • If you don't know the answer, find out where to get the answer.

Contact information

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