Ashley founded an Edmonton-based non-profit dedicated to civic engagement and advocacy on land-use and urban intensification, which has since contributed to substantial regulatory reforms and driven over $15 million dollars of investment into housing in mature communities.
After graduating from the University of Waterloo, Ashley ran for Edmonton City Council and was elected on October 18, 2021. She is honoured to serve as the second youngest woman ever elected to Edmonton City Council, and is excited to help lead Edmonton’s transition towards a more equitable, urban, climate resilient future.
Ashley’s experience working on projects related to affordable housing, climate change, social isolation, infill policy, and seniors housing has led to her serving on the Board of Directors at the Edmonton Social Planning Council, Old Strathcona Business Association, Infill Development in Edmonton Association, and on the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues’ Street Speeds Committee. She has also worked with Alberta Municipal Affairs, the University of Alberta’s Office of Sustainability, and the City of Waterloo & World Health Organization's Age Friendly Cities Initiative.