Working Group on Salary Structure results are in

Thursday, December 20, 2018

A message from James Rush, Vice-President, Academic & Provost; and Bryan Tolson, President, Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW)

On Dec. 14th, 2018, the Vice-President, Academic & Provost and the President of FAUW received the Report of the Working Group on Salary Structure which dealt with an issue of relative salary equity affecting Lecturers. This report was required according to the 2018-2021 Memorandum of Settlement between the University and FAUW (see item #4).
The working group was established in February 2018 to investigate the existing salary structure (floors and thresholds) and recommend adjustments to the structure to promote the equitable influence of the selective increase system on relative career salary progression of lecturers.
The key recommendation of the working group was to make adjustments to the lecturer and clinical lecturer T1 and T2 thresholds as follows:



Threshold T1

Threshold T2


No change



Clinical Lecturer

No change



Professorial ranks

No change

$175,779 (no change)

$212,398 (no change)

As the working group’s report indicates, crossing thresholds has a significant impact on a faculty member’s performance-based increase.
The findings and recommendations have been accepted by both parties. The recommended changes will be implemented retroactive to May 1, 2018.
Further messaging on this issue, including implementation details, will be sent to faculty members in January 2019, and more details from the working group’s full report will be made publicly available in the new year.
We commend the members of the working group for their work on this issue.

Update February 2019: The working group's public report is now available on our website.

A note from FAUW: Prior to this change, the thresholds for Lecturers were:

Rank Threshold T1 Threshold T2
Lecturer $126,997 $147,800
Clinical Lecturer $156,296 $175,483

We have more information about the faculty salary structure in our Faculty Guide.