FAUW members elect directors in the winter term every year (alternating between six Faculty-specific seats one year and four at-large plus one teaching stream faculty-specific seat the next year), and a president every two years.
Next election
An election will be held in Winter 2025 to elect:
- four at-large Directors for a 2-year term
- one teaching stream faculty Director for a 2-year term
- one director representing Mathematics for a 1-year term
All terms beginning July 1, 2025.
2025 director elections timeline:
- Week of Monday, March 3, 2025: Nominations open
- Monday, March 17, 4:30 p.m.: Nominations close
- Monday, March 24: Voting opens via electronic ballot
- Friday, April 4, 1:30 p.m.: Voting closes
- Tuesday, April 8: Results announced at the Spring General Meeting
Faculty members who have opted in as voting members of the Faculty Association are eligible to run, nominate candidates, and vote in FAUW elections. Members who have voting membership in the Renison Association of Academic Staff are not eligible.
Check if you have voting rights: Voting members' emails from FAUW have [FAUW Voters] in the subject line. Non-voters' emails start with just [FAUW].
What do directors do?
The FAUW Board of Directors oversees FAUW governance and strategic direction, including: budget, policy development, salary negotiations, and the protection of member rights.
In general, boards of directors for any association act in the best interests of the organization, set the overall direction of the organization, and are concerned with mission achievement, long-term viability, stakeholder trust and confidence, and financial stewardship. Directors may also assume leadership roles on projects or working groups within the Board mandate, and may be appointed to the Executive Committee and/or Faculty Relations Committee.
The Board meets every other week on Thursday afternoons, from 2:30–4:30 p.m.
What does the president do?
The FAUW president leads and oversees the association's operations as well as representing the association at the University and in the broader community.
The president is charged with the general management and supervision of the association's affairs and helps to set the tone for FAUW's organizational culture. They are expected to work collaboratively with a range of stakeholder groups and communicate effectively with members about the association’s work on their behalf. The president chairs bi-weekly board meetings, supervises staff, and assigns tasks to board members and other FAUW volunteers. The FAUW president is also a champion for academic freedom, collegial governance, and equity, and works with the University administration to promote FAUW’s objectives.
How to run for a FAUW director seat
Download the nomination form [fillable PDF] and collect signatures from three voting members of FAUW.
Submit your nomination form to fauw@uwaterloo.ca or MC 4001 by the deadline: Monday, March 17 at 4:30 p.m.
Fill out the Candidate Information Form to submit your candidate statement and photo by Tuesday, March 18, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Can I nominate someone else?
There is no way to nominate someone without their participation, but if you know someone you think would make a good Board member, you can encourage them to run and then sign their nomination form, or recommend them to the Nominating and Elections Committee
What happens once I submit my form?
- FAUW staff will confirm that you and your nominators are voting members and notify anyone who still needs to join.
- If we don't have signatures from you and three nominators, or you're not all voting members of the Association by the deadline, you cannot be included on the ballot.
- You can tell anyone you want that you are running. FAUW will not announce the names of candidates until after the deadline.
More information
Read more about FAUW's election procedures.
Please direct questions about elections procedures to a member of the Nominating and Elections Committee.