FAUW has budgeted $55,000 for donations and sponsorships for the fiscal year May 2024 – April 2025 for activities aligned with FAUW’s objectives. FAUW wants to move towards a model with increased transparency where members can apply for funds to support such activities:
- To promote fairness for and equitable treatment of the individuals it represents by negotiating and defending sound policies, practices and procedures.
- To defend and promote academic freedom and tenure within the university.
- To promote a climate of freedom and collegiality, and in other ways to promote the welfare of the university as a community of scholars.
- To promote an environment that supports quality teaching and research.
- To promote a diverse and inclusive university where the advancement of human rights is a priority.
- To deal with all other matters considered to be in the interest of the Association and its members.
Given FAUW’s objective to defend and promote academic freedom, FAUW’s financial support of an event or activity does not imply that the FAUW Board endorses the perspectives of the event or activity.
Download FAUW donation and sponsorship guidelines [PDF] or view our charitable donation guidelines.
FAUW will budget $18,333 for each term of the fiscal year. Any unused funds in a term will be rolled into the next term. FAUW’s preference is to support activities that have already secured partial funding. To apply for FAUW funds to support activities that align with the objectives above, members need to complete the application form below.
Adjudication process
Proposals will be assessed by the FAUW Board and voted on based on the following criteria:
- Do the proposed activities align with at least one of FAUW's objectives?
- Do any of the proposed activities contravene FAUW's objectives?
- Are matching funds incorporated into the proposed budget?
- Does the initiative or activity benefit faculty broadly (i.e. not department or discipline-specific)?
Adjudication timeline
Proposals under $5,000 will be adjudicated at every Board meeting (FAUW Board meetings occur every two weeks on Thursday afternoons). Proposals between $5,000 and $10,000 will be adjudicated monthly. Proposals over $10,000 will be adjudicated once per term, and ideally activities will take place in the following term. The purpose of these timelines is to try to engage as many FAUW members as possible, and to spread resources out over the course of a term.
Important dates
Board meeting dates for considering applications, May 2024 to April 2025.
Request amount |
Spring term |
Fall term |
Winter term |
<$5000 |
May 9, 23, June 6, 20 |
Sept 12, 26, Oct 10, 24, Nov 7, 21, Dec 5, 19 |
Jan 2, 16, 30, Feb 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 10, 24 |
$5-10,000 |
May 23, June 20 |
Sept 26, Oct 24, Nov 21, Dec 19 |
Jan 30, Feb 27, March 27, April 24 |
>$10,000 |
June 20 |
Nov 7 |
March 13 |
Post-activity requirements
Upon completion, submit a summary of the event or activity, including:
- the date(s), time(s), place(s),
- purpose of the activity,
- how many FAUW members attended,
- a final budget, including: the overall amount, categories for costs (e.g., catering, speaker fees, accommodations, travel), and any matched funds or alternate funds you have acquired,
- a scan of receipts in support of how the FAUW funds were utilized.
Donation and sponsorship application form
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