Board of Directors

The FAUW Board of Directors oversees FAUW governance and strategic direction, including in relation to the budget, policy development, salary negotiations, and the protection of member rights. FAUW's Board of Directors meets biweekly September through June. Read more about what Board members do.

How are directors chosen?

The voting members of the Board—the president, past president, and 11 directors—are elected by the voting members of the Association. In addition to four at-large elections, there are faculty-specific and lecturer elections, to ensure that there is always representation from among the lecturer ranks and from all six faculties.

Directors are elected for two-year terms and can serve up to three consecutive terms. There are also non-voting, ex officio representatives from committees and affiliated organizations.

Read more about the Board in the FAUW Constitution.

Board of Directors

Position Name Term
President David Porreca 2023-2027
Past president vacant 2024
Vice President/Director (Science) Graham Murphy 2023-2026
Treasurer/Director (Environment) Leia Minaker 2023-2026
Director (Engineering) Nasser Mohieddin Abukhdeir 2023-2026
Director (Health) Kelly Anthony 2023-2026
Director (at-large) Janice Aurini 2023-2025
Director (Arts) George Lamont  2023-2026
Director (at-large) Rob Gorbet 2023-2025
Director (at-large) Mario Ioannidis 2023-2025
Director (Teaching Stream Faculty) Erin O'Connell 2023-2025
Director (Mathematics) Francis Poulin 2023-2025
Director (at-large) Bruce Reed 2023-2025
Chair, Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee (ex officio, non-voting) Kevin Hare 2025-
Chair, Compensation Strategy Committee (ex officio, non-voting) Micheal Wallace 2024-2025
Chair, Equity Committee (ex officio, non-voting) Zack Cramer 2024-2026
Chair, Teaching Stream Faculty Committee (ex officio, non-voting) Peter Wood 2023-2025
Chair, Nominating and Elections Committee (ex officio, non-voting) Katy Fulfer 2024-2026
Liaison, Librarians' and Archivists' Association of the University of Waterloo (LAAUW) (ex officio, non-voting) Mike Chee (Jackie Stapleton - 2025) 2024-2026
Liaison, Renison Association of Academic Staff (RAAS) (ex officio, non-voting) Rob Case 2024-
Liaison, St. Jerome's University Academic Staff Association (ex officio, non-voting) vacant 2024-