Provincial election resources

A provincial election has been called for Thursday, February 27, 2025.

This election is critical for the post-secondary education sector in Ontario. We encourage all our members to get out and vote on election day or at advance polls.

This page provides some related information on issues affecting universities, including campaigns led by our affiliated organizations.

Register to vote

Confirm, update or add your information to the Register by February 17 to receive your voter information card (VIC) in the mail. VICs include your advance poll and election day polling locations.

You DO NOT need to register in advance in order to vote, only to receive a VIC.

Visit Elections Ontario for more information about where and how to vote.

Meet the candidates

FAUW is joining OCUFA, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association, and Renison Association of Academic Staff for a meet-and-greet with Waterloo riding candidates.

Register now for this event happening on Friday, February 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Candidates and schedule:

  • 10 to 10:30 a.m.:  Shefaza Esmail (Green Party) 
  • 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.: Clayton Moore (Liberal Party) 
  • 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Catherine Fife (NDP)

All members of University of Waterloo and affiliated colleges & Wilfrid Laurier University communities, including faculty, librarians, archivists, students, and staff are welcome!

Unlock education

Unlock Education is a CAUT campaign to communicate public post-secondary education’s positive social impacts, and to help support CAUT members and supporters with ongoing efforts to organize and build capacity at the local association level.

The Unlock Education campaign fights for the freedoms associated with post-secondary education. That means :

  • Making college and university affordable for everyone
  • Freedom to think, teach and learn
  • Including new people and new perspectives
  • Freedom to debate new and different ideas

Strong universities, strong Ontario

OCUFA has developed an advocacy platform to guide the work ahead and mobilize these key election priorities:

  • Strengthen funding for universities to improve the quality and accessibility of education
  • Transform more student loans into grants, ensuring that university education is affordable for all Ontarians
  • Support Northern Ontario universities in driving innovation and fostering economic growth
  • End the gigification of teaching by creating stable, permanent positions for faculty members

Resources in the advocacy platform include:

Other OCUFA resources

Questions for MPP candidates

OCUFA has prepared questions voters can ask candidates about their party's plans for post-secondary education on the topics of: affordability and funding, enrolment, contract faculty and university governance.

Bill 166: Strengthening accountability and student supports act, 2024

Bill 166, introduced by Conservative government in Ontario, passed into law on January 31, 2025. In April 2024, OCUFA prepared a submission outlining its opposition to the bill's directives, including: 

  • Opposition to directives imposed without consultation with member organizations or subject matter experts

  • Deep concerns about the lack of detail related to implementation, accountability measures, and timelines

  • Concerns that interpretation and implementation of directives under Bill 166 may be prone to political influence

  • The absence of potential funding support(s) to implement the requirements

For more information, please read the OCUFA briefing note Bill 166 Directives: Key Issues & Strategies.