Chairs and directors are FAUW members and have access to all of our services and supports.
FAUW's membership
FAUW represents all regular faculty below the level of dean, including chairs, directors, and associate deans. You can come to FAUW for help as a member yourself, as well as in your leadership role.
There is a short online form required to become a voting member, which allows you to vote in elections, attend general meetings, and join the board or committees.
How we can help you
- We can answer questions about how a policy or procedure works. A situation might be new for you, but we've probably seen it before!
- Our Faculty Guide can help save you some time and research when members have questions that are likely to have standard answers. (Conversely, we'll encourage our members to talk to you when that's the best course of action.)
- We can support you through your own difficulties and processes, as a faculty member or as a leader.
How you can help us
- Direct new members to FAUW, even before they start. We'll make sure they receive information about events and resources for new faculty. Our pages for new faculty and prospective faculty are good places to start.
- Direct members to AF&T when they need help navigating an issue or a process such as tenure.
- Suggest FAUW as an opportunity for faculty to get involved and learn about university governance.
- Send us names of members who would be valuable additions to the university committees to which we appoint people.
- Let us know when you see issues arising either in your faculty or more broadly that you think will affect terms and conditions of employment.
Key resources

Consult or send members to our Faculty Guide as a starting point on a range of topics.

Get support from the Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee, for yourself or for members, for situations with individuating factors.

Encourage your department's Council member to share information regularly.
How FAUW works
The Board of Directors and FRC
FAUW is governed by an elected Board of Directors. The president and four other members of the Board make up the Executive Committee, who also serve as FAUW's delegation to the Faculty Relations Committee (FRC), where the most decision-making with administration happens. In particular, FRC is where policies are approved that govern the terms and conditions of employment of our members, including chairs/directors. Those four people are selected by the president from among the current Board members.
Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee
The Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee (or AF&T) helps faculty members with workplace processes, questions, and problems, including member-to-member conflicts. It operates confidentially, reporting to the Board only on trends that might need a broad response and to the Executive on matters requiring review.
Council of Representatives
One representative from every academic unit sits on the FAUW Council. It's up to your unit how you choose that person, but it should be someone who is comfortable engaging with their colleagues to share information and solicit feedback regularly. We share updates at least once a month, hold meetings in fall and winter, and ask for input on issues before the Board intermittently. You will hear from us each September asking for the name of your unit's representative, but you’re welcome to select that representative at any time.
FAUW staff
FAUW has three staff members who support our work:
- Matt, our executive manager, supports the Executive and Board. He's a good person to ask about the inner workings of FAUW or FAUW's take on a policy.
- The AF&T and policy officer supports individual faculty members and advises on policy development and interpretation. She can help you and your colleagues navigate individual situations.
- Our communications officer handles the association's communications and events, and also supports the Council of Representatives.