SWaGUR: Saskatchewan-Waterloo Games User Research Receives $1.65 million in Funding from NSERC for Innovative Research Projects

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Games Institute and the University of Saskatchewan have received $1.65 million in funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to support innovative research projects aimed to prepare graduates within science and engineering for jobs. This funding from NSERC was secured as a result of its Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) initiative. Projects and training environments established through CREATE ease and support the transition young researchers undergo as they advance from trainees to become productive employees. CREATE’s courses are centred on professional skills development, and they complement the already integrative research environment and the potential for internships with employers that exists for many researchers. There are several members of The Games Institute that have been integral to this funding being granted, and those individuals include: Mark Hancock, Edith Law, Lennart Nacke, Neil Randall, and Stacey Scott.

"This investment will give some of this country's best and brightest natural sciences and engineering graduate students and postdoctoral fellows a strong foundation of life skills, with an emphasis on team-building, communications, and successful scientific collaborations."

- The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science

To read the entire announcement from NSERC on the Government of Canada website, visit here.

For a complete breakdown of CREATE’s competition results for 2016, visit here.