Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the Games Institute do?

The Games Institute (GI) conducts research across the broad range of interactive immersive technologies and experiences, including:

  1. Games and Interactive Media Studies
  2. Games and Interaction Science
  3. Games and Interactive Media for Special Purposes

The GI members are constantly looking to the future, to emerging technologies and their resultant applications and experiences, and the GI is dedicated to exploring, critiquing, and designing the forward trajectory of the field.

Q: What kind of projects does the GI support?

Q: How do you become a GI member?

Curious to know if you qualify? Check out our Prospective Members page!

The GI welcomes graduate students from all faculties on campus, as long as their research is related to games and interactive media studies, game and interactive science, and/or interactive media for understanding. The GI also supports Research Assistants who work under an affiliated GI faculty member. If you do have a supervisor that is affiliated with the GI, please email the Games Institute (games.institute@uwaterloo.ca) to start your onboarding process.

Q: Can I become a Research Assistant at the GI?

The GI does not offer direct RA positions. However, we do post updates whenever a GI faculty member is hiring or looking for an RA. Opportunities are always listed on our News Bites page.

Q: I am an undergraduate student. Can I still be involved?

Q: How do I stay in touch with the GI?

If your question is not listed here, please email games.institute@uwaterloo.ca.

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