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On Campus Resources

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence on University Campuses in Ontario Training

This online training includes 7 modules with video scenarios, practice quizzes, and links to important resources to help you respond supportively and effectively to disclosures of campus sexual violence.

Sexual Violence on Campus: Foundations for Prevention and Support Training

This training is designed to establish a baseline understanding of sexual violence and relevant subtopics for all University of Waterloo members.

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO)

SVPRO supports all members of the University of Waterloo campus community who have experienced, or been impacted, by sexual violence.

The SVPRO can help you get support, using anti-oppressive, survivor-centered, intersectional, trauma-informed, evidence-based, and collaborative approaches. They offer:

Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre (WISC)

The Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre (WISC) is a friendly space on campus where you can connect with other Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, and Metis) students and members of the Kitchener-Waterloo community. WISC is located in United College at the University of Waterloo.

Indigenous Resources and Allyship

The Office of Indigenous Relations provides information on resources and allyship for anyone interested in learning more about indigenous cultures, terminology, and colonization in Canada.

Office of Indigenous Relations

The Office of Indigenous Relations is a central hub for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis researchers, faculty, and staff along with allies within the Waterloo campus community. They host events and gatherings throughout the year, providing spaces for learning and reflection.

Confronting Anti-Black Racism e-Learning Course

This self-directed course will explore the historical roots of anti-Black racism and white supremacy in the Americas. Particular emphasis will be placed on Canada’s settler colonial status.

Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism (EDI-R)

EDI-R works with students, faculty, and staff across campus to advance equity through evidence-based policies, practices and programs. This support includes assisting students from underrepresented groups navigate solutions to equity-related barriers.

Financial Support

There are a number of opportunities to help support graduate students in funding their graduate studies through awards and scholarships, in addition to minimum funding, where applicable.

There are also bursaries available to support students who have children or demonstrate financial need:

Difficult Conversation Wednesdays

Are you having difficulties with a friend, a classmate, a supervisor, or colleague? Do think you may need to have a difficult conversation?  Are you unsure how to begin?  Do you wish you had someone to listen and provide feedback as you consider your approach?  The staff in the Conflict Management Office are setting aside Wednesday especially for difficult conversations
