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Funding graduate school webinar

On October 26, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs hosted Funding your graduate education for prospective students. Here you can find the recording of the webinar, along with the links that were referenced on each slide.

The webinar features funding experts from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs sharing information about different types of funding available, minimum funding for master’s and doctoral students, an overview of internal and external funding opportunities, such as bursaries, Graduate Research Studentships, TAs, RAs, federal and provincial scholarships, and the process of applying for and receiving additional funding.

We hope that we were able to provide you with some valuable information as you continue to research graduate studies and prepare your application.


For reference, here are the links that were shared during the presentation:

GSPA Awards Team Role – Overview Slide

Minimum Funding Slide

Internal Funding Slides

Financial Need Funding Slides

External Scholarships Slides

Support for Applying for Major Scholarships Slide

Award Databases Slide

Award Payments Slide

OSAP and Loans Slides